Thursday, February 28, 2013

Most Important Civic Value To Being An American

Sam Brockie
November 9, 2009
Period 6

Being an the Statesn Essay

The most meaning(a) civic value an American citizen should set out is responsibility. If our citizens did not wipe out responsibility then America would be plunged into anarchy and chaos. integrity must possess responsibility and self control if unrivaled is to have such freedoms as guaranteed to every American.
Responsibility is so important to being an American because the govern workforcet cannot have fill out control over us. If citizens are to be en rely with such treasured own(prenominal) freedoms as guaranteed in the constitution, then they must have the responsibility to obey the law and to be productive, lest their freedoms be interpreted away. Conversely, if American citizens didn’t respect the law and abused their personal freedoms, then the government would be prompted to take their freedoms away. However unconvincing that may be, the values that America is founded on are that men are inherently good and can be trusted to take care of themselves and respect the rights of others.
One founding commence who best embodies the civic value of responsibility is George cap. As America’s hero from the Revolutionary War and first president, capital letter was given many responsibilities for the new nation.

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As our first president, Washington had many difficult decisions to make with no precedents to turn to for guidance. numerous men would have start out corrupt or attempt to seize as much power as contingent if placed in Washington’s shoes, but George was majestic and had the responsibility to respect the constitution and do his job to best serve the country. Washington made no attempt to become dictator, to establish a monarchy (though he had no heir), nor to retain power for too long. After his second term he stepped bulge out from president setting a precedent himself.
The citizens of America likewise have the responsibility to uphold the constitution and protect the country. As is stated in the Declaration of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Mobile App Essay

explanation of the nomadic app My fitness pal.

My fitness pal mobile app
Arlene Robotta

Cris Candelario

My fitness pal mobile app

I picked the My Fitness comrade mobile app because it has helped umpteen people with their struggle with weight loss. The apps purpose is to help people watch their calories and track their mould and ultimeatly lose weight.
The scratch thing you do when you first sign in to this app is tot your height and weight. It then calculates how umpteen calories you should be eating everyday. When you log on this app for now on it will go on to a effortless abstract bury. This penetrate shows your calories re of importing for the day, your goal, your food, exercise, and your news feed. Your goal on your main screen tells you how many calories you pick up left to use and it subtracts as you add food and adds calories as you exercise. To add what you eat is easy. You precisely click on add to diary and click on the meal you want to add whether it be breakfast, lunch or dinner even snacks. When you click on you meal, a screen will pop up with a search for a food search engine. You type in your food that you ate and a list of foods pop up with contrary options and different portions and how many calories it is.

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The app can also give you popular restaurant foods and calories. Once you reach picked your food, its deducted from your calories and you know how many you have left to use for the day.
Like the calories, you can also add what exercises you have done. You have an option to add your strength development and your cardio training. When you add these in your daily summary, it will show you how many calories you burned with each different exercise. The app then adds the calories back to your daily calorie intake. It seems like a reward after you have calorie counted or if you have come close to release over your calories for the day.
The next tab on the main screen next to the summary screen is the daily tab. The...If you want to flap a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft anticipation

Module 1 SLP: The Role of Software in IT Systems

Trident University

excogitation to Software Use and Technical Support

Joseph Webster

22 July 2012

Microsoft Outlook is angiotensin converting enzyme of the most utilized bundle programs in the world with almost 241 million people in the United States al iodine that implement it. Microsoft Outlook has evolved a lot over the last deuce decades, starting with Outlook for MS-DOS and now with Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2011 for Macintosh. rough people think that Microsoft Outlook is just a federal agency that you go to check your email and nothing else. Just the like any software Microsoft Outlook has its advantages and disadvantages. Being in the military, I see and use this program all the time and it is one of my favorite programs to use.

Microsoft Outlook was developed by the Microsoft Corporation, a genuinely large corporation. Development software, digital media, the internet, office, Microsoft moorage suites, operating systems, horde software, system administration, and video games are the areas that Microsoft is involved in.

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Halo, Windows Defender, Microsoft Exchange Server, MS-DOS, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Microsoft home 2010, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Silverlight are some of the operating systems and software that the Microsoft Corporation is know for. Microsoft is so involved with todays ever changing technology that they are continuously creating parvenu operating systems, software and patches all the time.

Over the last two decades, there eat up been 11 different types of Outlook dating back to 1992 when the set-back Outlook, Outlook for MS-DOS, was released. After that there was Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Macintosh, Outlook 97, Outlook 98, Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002, Office Outlook 2003, Office Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, and Outlook 2011 for Macintosh. Every version Microsoft added something new and/or updated something to make it better. It is...If you want to get a replete essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Mendal On Patterns Of Inheritance

Checkpoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance
Cassandra Utz
January 13, 2012

The scientist that take shapeed on the question of inheritance before Gregor Mendel, seemed to work on many traits at once, but Mendel was one that obdurate to work on only one or a hardly a(prenominal) traits at a time. This allowed him to better document his findings. Since Mendel was much focused on one or a few traits at a time, it allowed him to be simple in his questioning. For eccentric; while the former(a) scientist were studying all of the different traits from the desoxyribonucleic acid strand, Mendel would only look at a few at a time. This allowed him to better conduct research that he could streamlet and address more simply.
There were several factors that contributed to Mr. Gregor Mendels success. He used mathematical analysis in his studies. He could prepargon mating between individuals that would differ in easily placeable traits (like seed shapes and flower colors). He chose an appropriate model being to study (the pea plant). He could control which p bents were involved in a mating. Like it was mentioned before, Mendel was not the first scientist interested in studying the basic mechanisms of heredity, these factors only made him successful because of his conclusion, whereas other before him failed.

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Mendel experimented on a bunch of different pea plants in 1856 when the science was on its initial stage of development. When he did this experiment meiosis and DNA were unknown to scientists. As the basic principle laws of hybridization were not properly understood, Mendel put forward indisputable hypothesis followed by testing of that hypothesis. He reasoned that to separately one plant received two of these hereditary elements, one from each parent. He concluded that they hereditary elements must either be dominant or recessive and that the dominant elements would be the traits that are seen.
Mendel has six major concluding principals that he had hypostasized from his work. Three of them are; dominance, segregation, and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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The Original MCSE 2003: Security+ Training Camp
System engineers face a number of challenges and pressures from across the
enterprise, from reducing the total cost of monomania of network systems to enhancing
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The Training Camps 14 Day MCSE 2003: Security+ Accelerated Certification Program is
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your ability to perform these tasks on Microsofts latest server operating system and
identifies your expertise to employers, clients, and peers.
The Training Camp Advantage
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delivers accelerated, blended-learning that:
With The Training Camp, you will learn more(prenominal) effectively efficiently.
Certification Description
The MCSE 2003: Security+ Training Camp delivers the sterling(prenominal) value on the market for
Microsoft MCSE Certification Training.

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During the program, students will succeed the
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increase specifications are subject to change without notice or modify to this or any other documentation.
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Maintaining a MicrosoftWindows
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Law Issue


mob C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D.
© 2006 James C. Kozlowski

Under the traditional rule of law, baseball stadium owners or operators owe spectators a limited
duty of care, i.e., screen the heavens stool home plate and to offer a sufficient sum of seating
for spectators who reasonably may be anticipated to request protect seats in the course of an
ordinary game. Once the landowner provides such limited protection, no further duty is owed
and a baseball spectator who chooses not to sit in a screened area generally assumes the risk of
world hit by a clog ball. In Maisonave, however, the state supreme judicature considered whether an
injured spectator necessarily assumed the risk of being struck by a foul ball outside the stands
while waiting in line to purchase a beverage.
In the case of Maisonave v. Newark Bears, 185 N.J. 70; 881 A.2d 700; 2005 N.J. LEXIS 1108,
plaintiff Louis Maisonave was attending a baseball game at a minor coalition stadium when he was
injured by a foul ball.

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The facts of the case were as follows:
Plaintiff Louis Maisonave suffered a facial defacement when a foul ball struck him in
the eye as he stood on the mezzanine at Riverfront Stadium, home report of a
minor league baseball team, the Newark Bears. The mezzanine is an open
walking area exposed on one side to the baseball field. Vendors shit food and
beverages on that level, and restrooms are located there. At the duration of the
incident, the stadium used movable vending carts for the sale of beverages
because formula of the stadium had not yet been completed, and the built- in
concession stands were not operational. The carts dotted the mezzanine along
both the first and third base lines on the field-side of the mezzanine. The vendors
stood with their backs to the diamond while the patrons faced it.
Plaintiff, who had watched the action at a railing on the first base side of the
field,...If you neediness to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Lab Question 2

Lab Questions

1. What are the 3 everyday products and practices that contribute around to your environmental footprint?

The three everyday products and practices that contribute to a greater extent or little to my environmental footprint is food, services, and shelter.

2. What impacts might result if everyone in the cosmea enjoyed the same lifestyle? For example, what might the impacts be on:
a. macrocosms climate?
The earths climate would initiatory of all polluted by the amount of driving I do in a day instead political machine pooling or catching the bus. Also, the amount of fuel Im using will affect the earths climate. Their would be less(prenominal) plants and animals, and other living tings. The water can delineate contaminated.

b. The health of ecosystems and biodiversity?

It will take longer for my process packages to decompose, more bacteria would be open up to the world, and we may be limited on food sources.

c. Humanitys lifelike resource base and thus economic security?

cancel resources is being used a lot more, because most of us havent gone green.

3. Identify solutions to distributively of the 3 components of your environmental footprint that you listed in question 2. What are the savings of BOTH carbon arcs and money you can achieve via each solution?

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Some solutions is to use energy efficient appliances, spoil less prepackage stuff so it will be less waste to dispose of or use materials that has been recycled, and use solar panel for less energy.

b. How much would this amount to if every sign in America (roughly 100 million) did this?

If I was to use less it will save me $1, 490 a year and out of 130, 217 my emission will reduce to 17, 363 totaling Co2 to 112,854.

c. If everybody did this, what might the impact on the health of our environment be? For example, how might these collective actions reach our air and water quality? The health of the worlds forests?
These collective actions will make the air and the water cleaner...If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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KEy question in children's role in DRR

Key question:

To explore the potential application of pincer led disaster peril reduction/Community risk assessment in multi hazard regions including homespun and urban communities (slums, perseverance etc).

While childrens participation in the development process is recognized, the deferred payment of childrens participation in disaster risk reduction is an emerging concern. Although much attention is given to the needs of children in emergencies, it is by and large from the point of view of adults acting on behalf and in the topper interest of children. There is less focus on operative with, and not working for, children in reducing their vulnerabilities and disaster risk.

Children are often underestimated and overlooked by adults in making important decisions that affect their communities. But children have specific capabilities and strengths to offer in disaster preparedness and mitigation; they have a division to play before, during and after floods. Hence, childrens involvement in jut Bangladeshs Children troth in Disaster Risk Reduction (CPDRR) project was started in 2007 to highlight childrens capacities and strengths in reducing disaster risks for inclusion at national level institutions.

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In rove to show that children back tooth participate in the risk assessment process, Plans implementing partner, POPI, trained childrens organizations in how to use the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) approach, which incorporates the friendship and opinions of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programmes.

Children demonstrable a work plan, then carried it out using their consume methods, and from their findings, children analysed their risks and capacities and developed their own risk reduction plans. Ultimately this knowledge and process will be incorporated into the CRA process and a revised CRA guidebook will be developed, along with a handbook on how to enable children in the participation process.

Plan recognized that it is also...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Chad Curtis
Dr. Tim Decker
English 101 47 English comp 1
August 24, 2011
reservation Choices
Have you ever had to step up and crap control condition of a situation for the safety of yourself and others? I was fourteen historic period old when I had to make a choice to take control of a dangerous situation. I was in howdy at the succession on a family vacation. I had to guide my intoxicated first cousin twenty minutes back to our hotel without whatever help, and without any contact with others. My meter in Hawaii was very(prenominal) nerve racking: how we got to Hawaii was a miracle, my busy cultivate schedule left me nervous about leaving, the morning of the metamorphose and the plane ride, landing on the island was an adventure, the activities we did were spectacular, spending time with my cousin was interesting, the huge disaster I got into with my cousin was unpleasant, and my reflections toward this event stayed with me by time.
Having the opportunity to go to Hawaii was a once in a lifetime event my family could do. It was the spring of 2007, and my grandparents had a time share to take a trip to Hawaii for a week on the main island of Maui; they were allowed to bring nine more people along. My Grandparents had chosen my family, my aunt Michelle, and my Uncle Keiths family to come with.

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My family consisted of my Dad, Mom, sister Caitlin, and me; my uncles family consisted of his son Tyler, daughter Courtney, and his girlfriend Jill. Tyler and I grew up together because he is about two years one-time(a) than me, and since our family was always together we became very close. Tyler although had been taking the wrong course of action in life by abusing drugs and alcohol at a young age. Even so I was so delirious and anxious about this trip because first its Hawaii, and due south I got to skip school! it came at a hopeless timing because my math grade wasnt so hot, and I was going to miss major days of work time for final projects. I was a little nervous though to fly for around eight hours including a stop at San Francisco. I get...If you want to get a full essay, put up it on our website: Orderessay

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It Fundamentals

Project 5
The paper will discuss computer viruses, wrestles and spyware, and the sparing impact these have on businesses. Computer viruses and distorts are categorize as replicating threats, in that they replicate from computer to computer and face damage to the give machines. In order to begin the foul process, viruses require a user to launch an septic course or boot from an septic disk and are usually airing by physically copying an infected send from one computer undo another computer. A worm does not require a user to launch a program for it to begin destroying a computer. Worms use network capabilities to spread and once it enters a computer it launches and begins its destructive pattern. The first viruses appeared betwixt 1986 and 1987 and where responsible for infecting the IBM PC platform. The most notable of these viruses were the Brain, Vienna, Lehigh, Stoned, Ping Pong, exhibitor and the Jerusalem viruses. These viruses are classified as boot arena viruses because they attack or corrupt a section of your catchy drive known as the boot sector and caused positive damage to the computer, often making the computer unusable.

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In declination of 1987, the Christmas Tree EXEC was the first widely known disruptive worm, it infected IBM mainframe computer networks of the time, causing entire business networks to bar down. Other notable worms of the time were the Morris worm in 1988 which infected DEC and Sun machines and the Melissa worm in 1999 which infected Microsoft Word and Outlook ground systems. In 1992, the Michelangelo virus created stack hysteria when it was determined to have been accidentally shipped to millions of computers by guidance of new software products, it reported only about 20,000 cases of selective information loss, much less then expected. In May of 2000, the ILOVEYOU worm appears and it becomes the most costly virus to businesses thus far, attacking tens of millions of Windows based computers, costing well over 10 billion dollars in damages.
Spyware...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Identifying Need Of A Specific Learner

Name of the student: John
John has 48 geezerhood old;
Primary School ( Portuguese);
Previous job was, a Builder in Portugal, and now he is a slicer in Uk;
His aspirations are:
•Improving his English to progress in his job;
•To support his children with a better preparation;

His interests are :
•A better knowledge in the English Construction;
•He love Sports and his family;

His breeding style is Kinaesthetic

Reasons for wanting support with Literacy

John has concentration strongies and in like manner a poor level of literacy in his take language(Portuguese)

Targets compose on the Core course of study
See the table below.

Progress so far

John is improving his literacy in English and Portuguese daylight by day. Why Portuguese? Well, john hasn’t a good knowledge of his own language, what make more difficult to understand a new one. He already basin identify any(prenominal) different grammatical words (adjectives, nouns, verbs, pronouns), example the right structure of a simple sentence, and now he also start to use questions to identify the personal details.

GoalsTargetsCurriculum reference
Read and recognize simple sentence structures
Reading ,grammar punctuation

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sleep with prescriptions, medicine labels;
Construct a simple sentence;
add a simple sentence with a heavy(p) earn and a full stop;
Use a capital letter for personal pronoun “I”
Spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words;
release the letters of the Alphabet using upper and lower slip of paper;
Use basic sound- symbol association to help spelling, as appropriate for the needs of the learner.Spelling and handwriting
spelling and writing is own name, address....for make an appointment

Possess a limited, meaningful sight dictionary of words, signs and symbols;
Decode simple, regular words;
Recognise the letters of the first principle in both upper and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Hydro Analysis

Test Results Summary Grain-Size digest of Soil (Including Both automatonlike and Hydrometer Analyses)
ETCE 3131L
Dean Lle wellyn

Test Performed
1. Grain Size Analysis of Soil (Including Both Mechanical and Hydrometer Analysis)
* Referenced archive: ASTM D 422 (Particle Size Analysis of Soils)
Test Program

Before we began our analytic thinking on the estate we gather all equipment and make collection they are in working order.

Sieve Analysis:
2. compose down the conceivet of each sieve as well as the bottom cooking pan to be used in the analysis.
3. Record the weight of the given dry commonwealth model.
4. feature sure that all the sieves are clean, and assemble them in the upgrade order of sieve numbers (#4 sieve at top and #200 sieve at bottom). bug out the pan below #200 sieve. Care dependabley pour the smear sample into the top sieve and place the cap over it.
5. Place the sieve stack in the mechanical joltr and shake for 3 minutes.
6. Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each sieve with its retain soil. likewise weigh and record the weight of the bottom pan with its retained fine soil.

Hydrometer Analysis:

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Take the fine soil from the bottom pan of the sieve set, place it into a beaker and carry 125mL of the dispersing agent. Stir the mixture until the soil is thoroughly wet. Let the soil soak for at least ten minutes.
2. While the soil is soaking, add dispersing agent into the mesh cylinder (Sodium Hexametaphosphate 125ml) and fill it with weewee to the mark.
3. Shake the cylinder in such a carriage that the contents are mixed thoroughly. Insert the hydrometer and thermometer into the control cylinder and record temperature.
4. Transfer the soil slurry into a mixer by adding more distilled water.(Tap water)
5. Then mix the solution for ii minutes.
6. Immediately transfer the soil slurry into the empty sedimentation container. chalk up water up to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Human Biology - Lactose Intolerance

When the human organic structure is un equal to(p) to digest or attract the sugar in milk known as lactose, a person is diagnosed with Lactose intolerance. Lactose tolerance is the ability to line the sugar in milk as nutrients for the body. (Medicine Net) The sugar lactose is made of galactose and glucose and for the body to absorb lactose these sugars gravel to be sepa sited. This task is carried out in the small bowel where the enzyme lactase splits the sugars, in some cases people have mortified levels of lactase which make separation of the sugars difficult causing lactose intolerance. The symptoms of this condition are diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence, sometimes unwellness and abdominal distention. (Boylston 1988)

Most humans start with a naughty lactase activity and this reduces as they age, Adults with a functional lactase gene have high levels of lactase activity bandage those with a nonfunctional lactase gene experience a decline in lactose tolerance. (Swal downcast DM) Lactase Persistence refers to the rate at which lactase activity decreases is low. The general trend is for the body to have high lactose tolerance, in areas where the population is low and where interbreeding occurs the frequence of a condition increases.

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The condition skunk also come into a population because of a summercater in the lactase gene at birth or from a carrier parent to their offspring.(Ingram CJ)

Researchers discovered that the genetic mutations which increase the frequency of Lactose intolerance are much more familiar than they were at the time of European peoples ancestors. DNA sequencing was carried out to posit this by testing 7000-year-old fossils; the sequences did not contain the mutation. Being able to digest milk in todays hostelry is a clear advantage whereas in the past where dairy farm resources from cattle were not available it was not an issue whether or not milk could be digested. It was only advantageous in areas where humans had access to domesticated animals such as cows. The mutation for lactose...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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How To Avoid Stress

How to avoid stress

We are living in the time that we mystify to rush to the work, to the bus or train, to meet somebody, to finish everything on time. We rush to grow up, to be somebody, to finish secondary work or to adult. To guarantee our aim of life we can non avoid stress. Why? What is stress and how to avoid it?
Stress is a reaction to physiological or psychological events or droll situations such as: the high life temper, much business enterprise at work, personal life, weather changes, political changes and etc. pitying body accepts these situations as danger to our immunity and life. A foresightful lasting stress exhausts our immunity. Surplus of stress hormones steroids decrease whizz work and as a result our memory does non work properly. Moreover, too much stress increases a riskiness to get ill. To avoid stress we have to dispose physiological and psychological situation and help ourselves to relax and do non stress. We should exercise more such as weight training, running, go more outside for a walk and other animal(prenominal) activities.

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Besides, we should balance our ration like choosing fruits, vegetables, low caloric meal and milk products. Physical activity and suitably balanced bouncing food will help us to con quantitye every harmful materials in a natural way. In this way we will avoid all stressed events and situations in our life.
To sum up, we should enjoy our life and in bad things see something good, do not rush anywhere, understand and love people almost us. The better way to avoid stress is to laugh. Laugh is the best way to ensure our life quality.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Process of Management
Randy Alexandre

The concept of cordial reception is extremely white-haired; it is mentioned in writings dating back to antediluvian patriarch Greece, ancient Rome and Biblical times. Two possible explanations of why ancient times people felt required to be hospitable, they felt that hospitality to strangers was necessary to their religious well cosmos and others; they were hospitable because of their own superstitious fears. During the middle ages, it was considered as the responsibility of the Christians to offer hospitality to travelers and pilgrim. Charlemagne during his reign enacted laws setting out the avocation of a Christian to provide a free resting send off for traveler. However, in consideration of the possibility that a traveler great power overstay his welcome and also the burden of providing free viands for an indefinite period of time, the law limited the stay of some(prenominal) traveler in any place to three nights.

affectionateness for travelers has been a fundamental element of civilized societies since long forward the birth of the hospitality company or the Holiday social club express. Guest rights were one of the few established sets of conventions that were universally authentic amongst diverse cultures within the world. Likewise, stewardship towards guest can be seen extensively in every professional environment.

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With time for more advances in hospitality will be practiced. As many an(prenominal) scholars bring forth to look for jobs in a marked economy that seems to come down everyday. It is good to see a glimmer of hope. As many corporations in every sector struggle to make a profit, the hospitality industry actually shows a sizeable amount of money of growth in the midst of 2009 and 2014. This trend is supposed to continue. The industry has been adding seventeen percent more wage and salary jobs each year. The hospitality industry has also been providing many young people with their first-year job. More than twenty one percent of the workers in these establishments were between sixteen and nineteen years old. This is about 5...If you want to get in a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fractional Distillation Vs Simple Distillation

Name: Shail Shah
radical Chem Lab #2

test #2a : Fractional Distillation of a Binary Liquid alloy
utilize A Microscale Spinning Band Distillation Column

Experiment 2 a
Title : Fractional Distillation of a Binary Mixture Using A Microscale Spinning Band Distillation Column
point of references:
1. Mayo, D.W., Pike, R.M. and Forbes, D.C., Microscale Organic science lab, John Wiley and Sons, New York, fifth edition, 2011.
2. Mayo D.W., Pike, R.M. and Trumper, P.K., Microscale Organic Laboratory- Website Reference Discussions, John Wiley and Sons, New York, fourth edition, 2000.- website address- www. college/mayo.
3. Communication Skills Corporation, Distillation; Laboratory Techniques- Distillation and Fractionation - Part 1.
Purpose: Separation of a liquid mixture into fractions differing in simmering point using fractionating column.
Equations: Raoults Law refers to the partial vapor force of a office in a mixture is equal to the vapor pressure of the pure component at that temperature multiplied by its rampart fraction in the mixture.
Procedure and Data:

1.) Micro-spinning band distillate apparatus was set up using the figure 5.16.
2.) 5.0 ml conical vial was used for 3ml of binary mixture after(prenominal) testing if the spinning band rotates properly or not.

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3.) The boiling stone wasnt used for micro-spinning band distillation column.
4.) polytetrafluoroethylene spinning band was checked and aligned properly in the beginning starting the experiment.
5.) The heater stirrer was checked if its spins the band properly.
6.) The polytetrafluoroethylene stopper was inserted on to the side arm of vacuum adapter.
7.) The joints should be sealed tight by greasing the ends which will prevent the distillation mixture to leak out. This will also result in incomplete results.
8.) The thermometer was inserted into the spectrum.
9.) 5.0 ml conical vial was placed enigmatical into the gumption bath.
10.) Aluminum foil was used to cover the sand bath so as to prevent any...If you want to pose a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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flute acoustics

1. Introduction
The flute glass is one of the oldest musical instruments, having a history that dates anchor to prehistoric times whither mammoth tusks were being used to frame this reedless aerophone. The modern-day concert flute is a traverse (side-blown) instrument, and adopts the Boehm touch system, which was developed in the early 1800s. It is typically made bulge out of three parts, namely the headjoint (where the embouchure hole in which the instrumentalist blows into and across is located), the body (which houses the bulk of the flutes flyer toneholes and key mechanism), as well as the footjoint. It is also toss in the key of C, making it a non-transposing instrument, and has a veer spanning over 3 octaves starting from middle C (C4), or a semi-tone lower (B3), depending on the footjoint being used. In addition, the modern flute can be made from a classification of stuffs, ranging from nickel-silver, silver, gold, wood, platinum, or even from a combination of two or more metals.
In the following sections, we will explore the acoustical properties of the flute and how profound is produced on it, analyse its sound spectrum, comparison it with another woodwind instrument, and also investigate the impact of material on sound production.

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Through this study, it is hoped that we will be suitable to develop a more in-depth understanding of this simple, yet pretty instrument characterized by a pure, clean tone.
2. The resonant modes of the flute
The flute is an establish tube. Even though a players lower sassing covers part of the embouchure hole, much of the hole remains open to the atmosphere. Similarly, the end of the flute is also open to the air outback(a) it. Simplifying the flute somewhat to be simple cylindrical thermionic vacuum tube with all its toneholes covered, we have the following diagram as shown below.

The acoustic pressure, or the variation in pressure due to sound waves, is zero at the ends of the pipe due to the pressure here being approximately atmospheric pressure. These points of zero...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Final Ap Review

15. According to Martin Luther, salvation was achieved by following your faith. He didnt deliberate in the Catholic belief of salvation through favorable works.
16. The frist stock market was in Amsterdam. Mercantilism is an economic constitution used to increase a nations wealth by the presidential term regulating all commercial interests.
17. The Ottoman Empire was defeat by the Turks in 1453. Janissaries were loyal supporters of the Turks. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526. The Mughal Empire was socially distinct from other Muslim Empires in that it ruled a larger Hindu majority.
18. The Samurai were the fighting mannikin in Japan. The Qing dynasty was established by the Manchu invaders in China by and by defeating the invaders.
19.The first Europeans to reach the Indian Ocean by ocean were the Portugese.
20. The title of Russias emperor were the Csar or Tsar.
21.The Enlightment was an intellectual movement of the eighteenth century centered on Britain and France. During the French revolution Lousi xvi was beheaded during the French Revolution. The Invasion of Russia led to Napoleons final pass up and ultimate defeat. Toussaint Louverture was the leader of the slaves that rebelled in what is now haiti. Under Louveture thrall was abolished on the Hispaniola.

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The first practical steam engine was invented by Robert Fulton. The Telegraph was invented in order to allow instant converse across long distances. Adam Smith justified capitalism. He beliebed that there was no limit to the amount of wealth that could be created. Smith also said that the government should not snuff it involved or regulate economic transactions. Industrialization do the rest of the World become more like the West. and then the relationship between the two parts of the world got correct and less violent.
23. The Latin American wars of Independence were triggered by teh vacum of strength in Spain after Napoleons invasions. When Brazil became independent it became a permanent monarchy. The Latin...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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False Disproof

Like many theorem, there would be people who would exploit to prove the theorem wrong. Four Color Theorem has had multiple false proofs and misrepresentation in its long history. These self-assertions come from many people simply one major assumption usu on the wholey comes from graph makers. much(prenominal) map as the one below cant use this theorem:

This graph cant use the theorem because both(prenominal) the A blocks represent the same country. In this map, not all countries are contiguous so this would not work because the theorem clear states that it has to be contiguous. Like many theorem there are confinement to what a region is considered and the theorem usually clear states the restriction. Many new(prenominal) assumptions would re-word the theorem, for example if a region only has to be coloured differently from regions it touches directly, not regions touching regions that it touches. If this were the restriction, planar graphs would require helter-skelter large numbers of vividnesss (NationMaster). This would be true solely the theorem clearly states that the region has to be adjacent so this assumption is false. Theorem only holds true, if two regions is considered adjacent if they share an infinite length of boundary.

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Touching a single boundary point wouldnt be considered adjacency and any assumption that doesnt clearly understand this would be false because the theorem clearly states this.
There is a easy way to determine the maximum number of color for a certain step to the fore. If it is a closed (orientable or non-orientable) surface with positive genus, the maximum p colors depend on the surfaces Euler characteristic χ according to the formula as:

* This is the degree function of p.

If the surface is orientable the formula can be given in terms of the genus of a surface, g:

* This is the floor function of p.

With these equation, it is easy to optimize the graph with as fewer colors as possible so it would be easier to bear witness and understand....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Experiencing Post-Modernity, Practicing Spirituality

Experiencing smear-modernity, Practicing Spirituality

The resonance of the term Postmodernism is pluralistic in nature. In reciprocal us date it is coupled with the term Postmodernity- the checker of society, which exists after modernity. Post modernism signifies a response to the state of modernity. The root rallying cry modernity here stands for a period or condition loosely identified with Industrial Revolution and erudition.
Arguably, it is historian Arnold Toynbee who in fifties announced that we were entering in the federal agencymodern age which he called- the fourth and the final phase of history and angiotensin-converting enzyme dominated by ir ableism and helplessness.1 Thirty years later a German philosopher Jurgen Habermas expressed almost a similar vexation about Postmodern condition, that in the absence of both rational and critical tradition, the social structure will tend towards totalism reducing individuals into non-entity. But there are others who do not see either harm in it. For Jean Francois Lyotard, the cut philosopher, the ‘grand narratives’ of human progress rooted in Enlightenment thought have lost credibility in post modernity. Post modernism represents the culmination of the process of constant changeability in the pursuit of progress as indicated by modernity.

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The problem involved in defining the term opens the scope of a virtual theory-war. If one sees it as a release from traditionalist assumptions and elitist hierarchies, others deplore Postmodernism’s hollowness and superficiality. And being entrapped in the Eurocentric cultural and literary process of theorization the term postmodernism at times fails to evoke that definite sense of history of which it is a part. We are still living in the same sparing structures resulting in exploitation of humans, alienation and fragmentation. There has not occurred any structural change in social relations in the age of Modernism (early 20th c.) or Post-modernism (late 20th c.). For intermediate man to meet...If you want to get a full essay, read it on our website: Orderessay

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A Universal Download Edition

Principles of Theoretical Physics
Albert Einstein
Prussian honorary society of Sciences, 1914

First of all, I bring on to thank you most cordially for conferring the greatest benefit on me that
anybody can confer on a man like myself. By electing me to your Academy you have freed me
from the distractions and cares of a professional life and so made it practical for me to devote
myself entirely to scientific studies. I beg that you will glide by to believe in my gratitude and
my industry even when my efforts seem to you to revert that a poor result.
Perhaps I whitethorn be allowed à propos of this to make a few general remarks on the relation of my
sphere of activity, which is theoretical physics, toward experimental physics. A mathematician
help of mine said to me the other day half in jest: The mathematician can do a lot of things,
but never what you happen to want him to do just at the moment. Much the same often applies
to the theoretical physicist when the experimental physicist calls him in. What is the movement for
this peculiar lack of adaptability?
The theorists method involves his using as his metrical foot general postulates or principles from
which he can deduce conclusions. His work thus falls into two parts.

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He must kickoff discover his
principles and then draw the conclusions which follow from them. For the second of these tasks
he receives an admirable equipment at school. If, therefore, the first of his problems has already
been solved for some theatre of operations or for a complex of related phenomena, he is certain(a) of success,
provided his industry and intelligence are adequate. The first of these tasks, namely, that of
establishing the principles which are to dish up as the starting point of his deduction, is of an
entirely different spirit. here(predicate) there is no method capable of being larn and systematically
applied so that it leads to the goal. The scientist has to worm these general principles out of
nature by...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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In October, 1922, Eliot published The ache Land in The Criterion. Eliots commitment to il miglior fabbro (the better craftsman) refers to Ezra Pounds significant hand in editing and reshaping the numbers from a longer Eliot manuscript to the truncate version that appears in publication.[42]
It was composed during a period of ad hominem difficulty for Eliotâ€"his marriage was failing, and both he and Vivienne were suffering from aflutter disorders. The poem is often read as a archetype of the disillusionment of the post-war generation. Before the poems publication as a al-Quran in December, 1922, Eliot distanced himself from its vision of despair. On November 15, 1922, he wrote to Richard Aldington, saying, As for The Waste Land, that is a thing of the past so far as I am concerned and I am at one time feeling toward a new form and style.[43]
The poem is cognise for its obscure natureâ€"its slippage between satire and prophecy; its piercing changes of speaker, location, and time. Despite this, it has become a touchstone of modern literature.
The poem begins with a section entitled The Burial of the Dead. In it, the narrator -- perhaps a representation of Eliot himself -- describes the seasons.

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Spring brings memory and desire, and so the narrators memory drifts back to times in Munich, to childhood sledge rides, and to a possible romance with a hyacinth girl. The memories lonesome(prenominal) go so far, however. The narrator is now surrounded by a desolate land full of stony rubbish.
He remembers a fortune-teller named Madame Sosostris who said he was the drowned Phoenician Sailor and that he should fear death by water. Next he finds himself on London Bridge, surrounded by a crowd of people. He spots a friend of his from wartime, and calls out to him.
The next section, A Game of Chess, transports the reader abruptly from the streets of London to a tawdry drawing room, in which sits a rich, jewel-bedecked lady who complains about her nerve and wonders what to do. The poem...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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E-85 Hopefull Alternative

After seeing the outrageous price jump of throttle,many flock be choosing to find an alternative to the tradition gasoline supply. wiz alternative that has seen a huge rise in popularity is E-85 which is an alcoholic drink fuel mixture that typically contains a mixture of up to 85% denatured fuel ethanol and gasoline or other hydrocarbon by volume. A form of biomass which is a neo name for one of the oldest forms of fuel: plant material. Current forms of biomass allow in wood, animal waste, seaweed, peat agricultural waste such as ice lolly cane or corn whiskey stalks, and garbage. A key cypher to consider is that ethanol is a renewable fuel substance that it can be re modernised again and again without depleting a hide outy resource. For instance crude oil is pumped out of the earth crust in the production of gasoline. The more in consume for this recourse the higher(prenominal) the price of gas will go up and the amount of crude oil left goes down. The crops that are used to produce ethanol can be harvested every year and replanted without losing a natural resource but still producing our fuel needs at the same time. The US and Brazil leave out world ethanol production, which reached a record 38.2 billion liters in 2006.

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Close to half the worlds fuel ethanol was produced in the US in 2006, nearly all of it from corn crops grown in the northern Midwest. With the doubling of petroleum prices, from approximately US$30 per barrel in early 2004 to intimately US$60 per barrel at the end of 2005, decision an alternative now is the starting point while other alternative like hydrogen based fuel cells are still in the research phases.
Another important work out to think about is the amount of pollution that is produced when operating a traditional gasoline based automobile. Ethanol contains a higher percentage of oxygen than traditional fuel-based gasoline therefore reduces pollution. By burning more completely then tradition fuel-based gasoline ethanol does not contribute to global warming nor produce greenhouse gas...If you want to get a full essay, pitch it on our website: Orderessay

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Donny And Self-Respect

Why self-respect is necessary for mastery

Self-respect is an important calibre for being winning in life. When you assume self-respect, you bequeath have a stable mental state, even in the around herculean times. Conversely, a deprivation of self-respect makes it very difficult to be successful in life. . The short story “ young Wasteland” by Anne Tyler explores the issue of how self-respect is related to success th gross the interactions of the characters Donny Coble, Daisy Coble, and Cal Beadle. The protagonist, Daisy Coble is the mother of Donny Coble, a youth who is becoming increasingly withdrawn from his family and failing in school. Daisy frantically searches for solutions to Donny’s lack of success, including hiring a tutor: Cal. Daisy’s lack of self-respect and unalterable self-doubt, along with Cal’s less than desirable approach to tutoring, throw Donny lost and confused in how to define his own good sense of self-respect.

Donny is a teenager who is going through a rough time in his life. When his mother, Daisy, receives a call from Donny’s school, carnal knowledge her that her countersign is “noisy, lazy, and disruptive [,] always fooling around with his friends, and [not] responding in class, Daisy becomes very concerned about her eldest.

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As many parents would, Daisy begins to mind her ability to raise her son. As she sat on the header’s couch, she began to see herself as a “failure” and a “delinquent parent.” Although she was a grade four teacher, she never cut either her husband (an insurance salesman) or herself as having achieved anything of significance. Her son’s failings became her own failings. When she helped him do his homework, she realized that she could not genuinely be any use to Donny. Daisy believes that you need be successful before you can have self-respect. She thinks that by helping Donny with his homework, she will make him feel successful and, in turn, gain a...If you necessity to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Distributed Embedded Firewall

1.1 Background to the Study
Firewalls are main(prenominal) tools in data and ready reckoner system protection. A firewall is a computer system that sits among a protected net area and the rest of the net income and attempts to stop malicious traffic from entering the protected network, time allowing legitimate traffic to pass in or out. In other words, firewalls are an effective gage mechanism for protect a local anaesthetic computer system or network of systems from network- found security threats and vulnerabilities while at the same time bread and butter gate to the outside world.
Embedded Firewall System (EFW) is a impertinently introduced firewall system that has a solution for one of the most important limitations of firewalls, preventing insider attacks. Moving the firewall from the perimeter one more step patronize into the network in a defense-in-depth approach.
The firewall functions now work on the critical point in the network, Network Interface measure (NIC). EFW works on lower network layers, unlike packet based firewalls running at higher layers on the local host. By processing data at the lower layers, EFW puke improve processing speed and increase performance.

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In addition, it is non as easy to deactivate EFW as with software based firewalls because the attacker needs to adopt a physical plan of attack to the host computer in order to disable the NIC.
However, in that location has always been a trade-off between the performance and utilities of a security system. One cannot expect from a particular security system to comprise all of the utilities and also have the scoop out performance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
In recent years data breaches have been of great concern and burden to cooperate bodies and organization with networked systems. whence the need for data security arose to ensure integrity, confidentiality and limit access to sensitive data on a need-to-know basis.
Firewalls serve as security mechanisms for checking attempts to hack data....If you want to get a practiced essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Criticl Reflection Paper

Short Critical Reflection
April 15, 2012

Online education has evolved over the decision ten years as lots as the prison cell phone. Given this, what have been some of the major improvements and changes in the digital classroom? I remember seeing TV advertisements and magazine publisher ads for online learning for everything you need. I use to wonder if they were legit. How could someone by chance get the same education online as those sitting in a classroom? But now I gestate in that location are more and more creditable universities pop out there just like Ashland University. With online classes now you house bargain for most of your books as an e-book if that is what you prefer, when before you had no choice because e-books were not available. Being able to sit down and contact your instructor at any time is plus I recall instead of waiting until you get back into school the succeeding(a) day. I am so glad the online education has follow to the level it has and has allowed me to take classes and never get in my cable car to drive to school and fight for parking, and even better notwithstanding walk a mile in a arse of snow.
In what ways should making capital online have its limits? For example, is pornography, online gambling, etc., fresh game? What are the ethical considerations involved?

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I in person do not believe in pornography and this should not be allowed as a way to make money on the internet. This just causes way too many problems with relationships in general. Making money by gambling should be monitored closely. several(prenominal) people just do the online casinos just for the fun of it, scarcely way too many times are there people who just have that addiction and just cant stop and online gambling just fuels this desire to do more and more. Although I havent seen this so much lately, I remember seting show where teenage girls would countersink web cams in their rooms and allow people to watch everything she did for certain periods. This to me is sick, and where the heck are the parents. I just came across this member from...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Country Strategy Development

Information Note | January 2009

commonwealth Strategy Development
This information occupation outlines the role of Australia’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) rural strategies and the process for their development.

The Role of Country Strategies
Country strategies articulate the Australian Government’s fear engagement system in each country in which it provides development assistance. The country strategy identifies where Australia can make the most difference in impart to the countrys development outcomes. It defines what priority sectors Australias helper will be tar progress toed to, why those priority sectors have been chosen, and how aid objectives will be achieved. Country strategies are key documents supporting Australias aid specialty. They provide a framework to guide policy dialogue, aid activities, partnerships and other actions that flat contribute to achieving development objectives. They are also the basis for assessing the effectiveness of Australian aid, by setting out what Australian aid is intended to achieve (objectives), and how progress towards those objectives will be calculated and managed. Country strategies are a key tool in supporting the Governments commitment to increase aid to 0.

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5% of GNI by 2015 by considering the most effective use of increased resources in each country. They provide a basis for determining country allocations for thematic-based reckon measures. Country strategies are shaped by the key principles of aid effectiveness. They are aligned to the priorities and needs of the partner country, harmonised with the activities of other donors in the country, and encourage mutual accountability between governments. They fight a focus of managing for results. In the Pacific, Pacific Partnerships for Development ab initio focus on new commitments. In line with the heyday Minister of Australia’s Port Moresby Declaration (March 2008), the Pacific Partnerships fend for a new way of engaging with our...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Consumersim And The Environment

Consumerisms and the Environment|
Fannie CosbyCom 220January 13, 2011K ben Halusek|
Fannie Cosby|

Consumers must stop untamedful consumption forrader they destroy the world. Consumerism is a manner that principled the purchase of material. Consumers adjudge a responsibility to be watchful of utilization of these goods and services. Consumer overconsumption doings is contributed to the environment destruction by not carefully considering, intersection point starting point, and environmental aftermath of manufacture and disposal. However, the source of schooling will inform consumer of ways to stop overconsumption of goods and services, and the effect that consumerism has on the environment. So come on everyone lets save the environment by not purchasing unnecessary item one at a time.

However, consumerism means sociable living through the abundance of material possessions. For instance, consumerism brings environmental degradations such as pollution and waste disposal because of consumer activity of overconsumption. Next, landfills are filled with cheap product that stop working because of poor product production, and the item are not repairable; in which cause the environment air, and water to move polluted because of consumers overconsumption of these good and services.

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Most wad soak up their lives straining to accumulate more belongings that they already have but feel a need to upgrade to the well-nigh recent item.
On the other hand, consumerism has an effective function in the advancement of the world; the most important role of consumerism is that it creates upstart jobs so there is less unemployment in which in give-up the ghost reduce poverty. Additionally, it advances the citizens individualism of existence and help keep the cost of products down. Consumerism as well, shows what their belief by the selection of products you buy. Therefore, consumerism has a despotic effect on the society because the economy depends on people to buy possessions in order for the nation...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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The computer is a high-speed electronic machine that handles tuition automatic ally to produce conclusions or actions engagementful to people. The computer is, without a doubt, the closely complex machine ever devised and one of the nearly significant inventions of all time. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the lives of a few(prenominal) people anywhere in the world today argon not affected by the computer. The computer can be used to advantage in almost every gracious activity.
The advantages of using computers is that it provides information on a wide area, significance answers are based generally and are broad. Computers besides defy work effective, fast and easier for people and there is less kind effort required whereas the disadvantages are that it is possible to cause impose on _or_ oppress to the eyesight, is also costly to possess for some families and can also give false information at times.
The advantages are the most obvious, and to list them would take a long time; also, of course, it dep ratiocinations on what youre using them for. Overall, though, some of the key benefits are: instant communication, all over the world; storage of vast amounts of information (in the end all the issueledge ever recorded could be online and gettable to all; fast wear outment of technology of all kinds.

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Whether you are an engineer, a biochemist, a clerk or a computer storage assistant, computers wil lay some part in helping you develop systems and improve what you do.

Disadvantages may include greater complexity of liveliness - everyone now has to learn a lot of skills even to use computers at a simple level. They also generate a lot of extra work such as tell emails, and producing high quality documants for all occasions (before, you might mediocre scribble something down.) Some people think we are bonnie deskilled - forgetting how to do simple things like mental arithmetic, and also the availability of so much knowledge doesnt necessarily mean that we, individually, know more. Its easy to think that you have nderstood a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chemistry Lab Report Example

Decomposing baking popping

※ Purpose:
To learn the percent exit of atomic number 11 carbonate from a decomposition reaction and to determine the percentage of sodium hydrogen carbonate in an unbeknownst(predicate) mixture.

※ Procedure:
(a) portion yield of Na2CO3 from baking pop
1. Weigh a baker, and record the mass. Add baking carbonated water, NaHCO3, and reweigh.
2. Weigh the baker containing sodium carbonate residue. Find out the mass of Na2CO3
3 judge the theoretical yield of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, from the pure baking soda that was heated. Find the percent yield of sodium carbonate
(B) percentage of NaHCO3 in an unknown Mixture
1. Obtain an unknown sample containing baking soda. scan the unknown number.
2. Repeat steps 1---3 as in mapping A, substituting the unknown mixture for the pure baking soda.
3. solve the mass of baking soda,NaHCO3 , and find the percentage of baking soda in the unknown mixture.
※ Data and observations

(a) Table 1: Percent yield of Na2CO3 from baking soda
Percent yield of Na2CO3 from baking soda rivulet 1Trial 2
pickle of flask + NaHCO395.12 g93.45g
plentifulness of flask94.15g92.03g
Mass of NaHCO30.97g1.42g
Mass of flask + Na2CO395.01g93.12g
Mass of Na2CO3 (actual yield)0.86g1.09g
Mass of Na2CO3 (theoretial yield) 0.61g0.

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% yield of Na2CO3140%120%

(b) Table 2: Percent of baking soda in Unknown
Percentage of NaHCO3 in an unknown mixture # CTrial 1Trial 2
Mass of flask + unknown mixture #C (before heating)95.81g94.85g
Mass of flask94.15g92.03g
Mass of unknown mixture (before heating)1.66g2.82 g
Mass of flask + residue (after heating)95.20g93.80g
Mas of H2CO3 (H2O + CO2) (after heating)0.61g1.05g
Mass of NaHCO3 in the unknown mixture1.65g2.84g
% of NaHCO3 in the unknown mixture99.0%101%
※ Calculations
For table 1:
notional yield of Na2CO3 for trial 1
Theoretical yield = mass NaHCO3 ×1mol NaHCO3 / 84.01g NaHCO3×
1mol Na2CO3 / 2mol NaHCO3...If you destiny to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Tutorial - amply Throttle Chassis
The design of the body is an inviolate part of the whole setup. There are various designs unrivaled can have for the off road cable car. This part is much of your choice so we wont be stressing more on the designs. Although, the tangible to be used for the body is very important, it is necessary for the car to be very robust, light at the same time. For this the go around option is to use Carbon Graphite and Aluminum, the former is more preferable.

1) a) arrange drive scratch or dog hit the books (as they are called in the rc hobby) b) confront dog bone 2) straw man and rear disk brakes. 3) affection the great unwashedhead. 4) Fuel tank 5) Centre differential and spur gear. 6) a) nominate chassis brace b) lie chassis brace 7) Servo tray 8) Battery and receiver box

9) Rear shock tower. The shock tower has many different mount holes for both the shock and camber connecter. 10) Rear camber link - turnbuckle (adjustable) 11) Rear hub carrier. 12) Rear abeyance arm. 13) Rear expect bar. 14) Rear CVDc shaft. 15) Rear hub. 16) Rear differential housing, differential and rear bulk head. 17) Rear springs. 18) Rear shocks

In this cause we are leaving to look at the front suspension on an rc nitro buggy. This example is of a Pivot wrap or Pillow Ball type suspension. 19) Upper and lower pivot/pillow balls.

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They train of thought into both the upper and lower arms. This gives you the ability to change camber. 20) Front CVD 21) Front lower suspension arm 22) Upper suspension arm - A-arm. 23) Front shock tower. 24) Front drive shaft or dog bone. 25) Steering knuckle. 26) Front hub. 27) Front sway bar. 28) Front differential, differential housing and bulkhead. Courtesy 1) hypertext transfer protocol:// 2) 3)

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Cell phones are technological advances that are rapidly fetching over our lives. Every day we see commercials or advertisements, financial backing the use of these devices. The features of the phones and the apps available, somewhat put us in a trance and urge us to acquire one. These days pack think cubicle phones are one of the intimately necessary items to have. Personally, I think they are nice to own, but not that much necessary.
To begin with, its really not tall(prenominal) to be amicable without a cell phone. One of the most abused reasons teens beg their parents for cell phones is to be more social with friends. Does a persons social connectivity with others really rate without a phone? I think not! Its not really hard to speak with others without a phone. You undersurface hang out with them at or after tutor or join a club that both of you enjoy. alternatively of studying solo, you can invite a friend over to chill and have a study session together. in that location is no reason one must(prenominal) hide toilet a cellular devise to speak with someone that is slight than five feet away. Henceforth, your social connection with others is not limited to mouth on a cell phone.
In addition, texting is really sequence consuming in my eyes. textbooking is a major attraction to those consumers who purchase cellular phones.

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Every little thing that comes about that your crony has to tell you they say Ill text you or Text you later. Is this really a necessity? Why must you feel the contend to text me later, when we can converse at that same moment? This text you send could be right away spoken face-to-face. I feel texting is just another point upon my fingers. I write, type, and flip through pages all day tenacious for my education. I dont think we really need to put more time and energy into texting when we can easy talk to one another in person. The worst recess is it can take forever for someone to text back. When I comment back face-to-face, nobodys time is spare and we can move on from there. Honestly, I feel cell phones...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Case Study (Breast Feeding)

Case: Decreased breast feeding in capital of Kuwait among the new generations where it is creating a public health problem. Noticing that only 3% of kuwaiti mothers are breast feeding exclusively up to 6 months. We will design a cross sectional study and develop a public health course to increase breast feeding in kuwait.

1st shout: Identify key problem (nutrition-related)
Breast feeding is change magnitude among kuwaiti mothers, where it is related to socioeconomic factors and lack of acquaintance, culture borrowing, approach of new products, urbanization, commercial advertisements and elevated income.
Study: Prevalence of fall breast feeding among kuwaiti women and socioeconomic factors.
Exposure: socioeconomic factors.
Outcome: Decreased breast feeding.
narrow population: Kuwaiti females of age range (18-40) randomly selected.
Gather data on exposure and outcome: take aim questionnaire and collect data.
Questions about age, program line level, marital status, family size, type of job, place of work, number of working ours, family income, health status, having a car.

2nd step: Set goal
To increase 30% of breast feeding among kuwaiti females.

3rd step: Define objective for goal
To identify if theres any relationship between decrease breast feeding with socioeconomic factors.

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Identify the factors responsible for decreased breast feeding among kuwaiti females.

4th step: compose quantitive targets
60% of kuwaiti females.

5th step: Develop program
Develop Educational programs for women and support them through all Maternal.
Ask the health care providers and hospitals to support breastfeeding mothers and their families.
Increase the level of community knowledge about breast feeding skills.
Increase public cognizance of the benefits of breast feeding on the mother and the child.
Request governance support to increase breast feeding.
Commercial campaign to conscious mother and prematernity women about the...If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Capital And Disease In Sub-Saharan Africa

While poverty is often reported as the main economic inhibitor in sub-Saharan Africa, it is actually the HIV/ help epidemic that does the most damage to the undefileds economies. In spite of this, African nations are growing by leaps and bounds.
The HIV/ assist Pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa has taken a terrible campana on every aspect of life within the African nations. The disease known as HIV/AIDS strikes every nation on the African continent at a rate that is staggering to most unaware of its impact.
Two-thirds of all citizenry living with HIV are found in sub-Saharan Africa, although this region contains little more than 10% of the world’s population. AIDS has caused immense human suffering in the continent affecting 40% of some countries. The most obvious matter of this crisis has been illness and death, but the impact of the epidemic has certainly not been confined to the health sector; households, schools, workplaces and economies have also been badly affected.
Every year over 1.5 one million million million people get out in Africa of HIV/AIDS. Since the Epidemic started over 15 million people have died there.
The toll on all sectors of society has been great.

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HIV/AIDS has a severe impact on economies due to the fact that it strikes people in the most deep age groups and is basically 100% fatal (The Policy Project, 1999). This causes a reduction in the labor force and increased costs. The deprivation of young adults reduces overall economic output.
The economic effects of AIDS will be felt by the individual and their family past ripples out to businesses and the greater economy.
First it starts with loss of income of the patient who may be the breadwinner of the family. Household expenses rise with medical expenses and care. Once a person dies, a complete loss of income and the expenses, loss of space and mourning add to their plight.
Direct costs to a biotic community include medical expenses (medication, care etc.) and believe it or not Funeral expenses. Daily funerals in...If you want to get a full essay, society it on our website: Orderessay

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Bilingual Of Korean And English

Investigating the perceptions of bilingual education and preserving the heritage voice communication of Korean-American parents residing in Los Angeles area.

I. Introduction
In recent long clip more so than each other time in my life I produce been thinking thoroughly about the issues surrounding bilingualism, especially towards act generation Korean-Americans. After being married to a succor generation Korean-American and as I prepare myself to become a parent, I am faced with same predicament as my parents generation read once faced m either years ago. The hardest question to answer when you become a parent is “what is the surpass for my child”. As far as which language to focus, is it English or Korean? Which language is more important? My family immigrated to US when I was a thirteen years old. While, focusing on learning English which was so important for our education and the future, my parents felt up that we needed to speak Korean at home. Hence, Korean language was well preserved in our family. Of course, having a huge Korean community and broadcast available made it much easier for us to keep our language and our identity. However, my husband’s parents who came back in the 60’s to study in US have much different experience.

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Back in those days there was only handful of Koreans in the community. Minority inequality was felt so deeply through the skin and not conditioned the language meant not being able to get going anywhere in life. Upward mobility was strongly desired by any minority at the time and many immigrants sacrificed their language and glossiness to assimilate into mainstream society completely. His parents did everything possible to keep the tradition and hear the children to know who they are and what they are, except excluding the language part. As time passed and the Korean community developed in Los Angeles, they realized that they should see Korean language to their children. However, by that time the children were...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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battlestar galatica

Battlestar Galactica space drama taking place in a fantasy galaxy of 9 planets represented by our accepted zodiac signs, so there are plenty of parallels to our society, as head as their final goal to reach Earth. In the commencement episode it is explained how there was a previous war humanness vs. machine some 40 years previous to the startle of the series when the enemies (Cylon) forces mysteriously disappeared. On the anniversary of when they are say to meet and discuss peace, which Cylons never attended, they launched a surprise round out decimating the 12 colonies, and nearly destroying all of man cordial.
A fleet of almost 60,000 human survivors and one battlestar, a warship and only rattling means of defense against attack, begin a journey to Earth. With the panic of Cylons hiding among the fleet and constant attack of enemy beginning ships following Admiral Adama and his forces, the complexitys of running a government, food, water, fuel, and civil unrest Battlestar Galactica is action packed and never picayune on political commentary.
In episode 14 in season 2, entitled Black Market, the black- marketplace market is discussed and its component part in the fleet.

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An ex-marine and self proclaimed badass has complete control of prostitution, drugs, food, clothes, medical supplies, and anything one could want to have a comfortable, or at least manageable life, is currently running the black market. With a failing economy, shortage of capitol and constant political unrest the black market is thriving.
The episode begins with the Commander of the second battlestar that joins the fleet, Pegasus, being assassinate by the leader of the black market. Meanwhile the Admirals son and superior of the fighter pilots is sleeping with one of his prostitutes to fill some kind of gap that was made when the colonies was attacked by the Cylons. After being appointive to lead the investigation and doing some legwork the captain discovers the black market is deep rooted, and nearly everyone including the Vice...If you want to get a across-the-board essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Avatar Solar Technical Report by Neha

watchful for:

543 Country Club Drive Simi Valley, CA 93065 USA Phone: +1 (800) 264 0863 +1 (805) 813 9946 Web: June 6, 2011


Prepared by:


Contact teaching

Dr. Omkar Jani Principal interrogation Scientist (Solar) Gujarat Energy Research & Management Institute Research, Innovation & Incubation Centre (GERMI - RIIC)

initiatory Floor, Energy Building Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Campus Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 007 INDIA

M: +91-96240 00 264 P: +91-79-2327 5357 F: +91-79-2327 5370

This Technical Design psychoanalysis document is prepared for avatar Solar, Inc. as a third-party analysis for the 5 MW solar photovoltaic power plant planned for commissioning at Charanka (District: Patan, evidence: Gujarat). The analysis is based on the data provided by incarnation Solar, Inc. All assumptions taken in this analysis have been distinctly indicated. Neither Dr. Omkar Jani nor GERMI assume every liability, financial or otherwise, resulting from any information in this report.

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6 June, 2011: Technical Design Analysis of Avatar Solars 5MW Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaic position Plant at Charanka, Gujarat. Page 1

Table of Contents
Contact Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Terminology ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Executive...If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Stars are natural every(prenominal) day. A title-holder is innate(p) in a Stellar Nebula. Hydrogen fusion creates a main sequence star. A red giant is created with fusing helium and heavier atoms. A red giant flexs a supernova or telluric nebula. A blue star is the hottest star. A planetary nebula sess turn into a white dwarf. A Super Nova suffer become a Neutron Star, Black localization, or Stellar Nebula. wake does not escape from a Black Hole. Nothing escapes from a Black Hole. Some scientists think a Black Hole may lead to another dimension. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky.

Atmosphere and Gases

realm is 21% atomic number 8 and 78% Nitrogen. Nitrogen becomes liquid nitrogen at -196° C. If you nebulizer liquid nitrogen on a coin, it will become brittle and you terminate smash with a hammer into legion(predicate) pieces. A marshmallow becomes freeze dried. A match will not light unless it has oxygen. Hydrogen is extremely flammable. Helium is less wispy than oxygen, that is why a balloon floats up.


Our solar system has 8 planets. Each planet, and everything in it has gravitation pull. The larger mass of a planet, the more gravitational pull. Earth is the only planet cognize to have life in our solar system.

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Planets are born in a stellar nebula, and can be ruined in a Super Nova, Black Hole, or winding Nebula. An atom makes up every single thing. Pluto, once a planet, is now called a dwarf planet. The Kuiper Belt has many objects want Pluto in it.

Space material falls to the Earth every day. Scientists estimate 140 tons of micro-meteorites fall every day to Earth. Micro-meteorites are made of iron. Most are dainty specks of dust. Using a magnet on a stick, micro-meteorites can be picked up. Looking in a microscope, round specks were the micro-meteorites. former(a) larger metal rocks that I picked up, were not round chthonian the microscope, which meant they were not micro-meteorites.

Building &...If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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