Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Capital And Disease In Sub-Saharan Africa

While poverty is often reported as the main economic inhibitor in sub-Saharan Africa, it is actually the HIV/ help epidemic that does the most damage to the undefileds economies. In spite of this, African nations are growing by leaps and bounds.
The HIV/ assist Pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa has taken a terrible campana on every aspect of life within the African nations. The disease known as HIV/AIDS strikes every nation on the African continent at a rate that is staggering to most unaware of its impact.
Two-thirds of all citizenry living with HIV are found in sub-Saharan Africa, although this region contains little more than 10% of the world’s population. AIDS has caused immense human suffering in the continent affecting 40% of some countries. The most obvious matter of this crisis has been illness and death, but the impact of the epidemic has certainly not been confined to the health sector; households, schools, workplaces and economies have also been badly affected.
Every year over 1.5 one million million million people get out in Africa of HIV/AIDS. Since the Epidemic started over 15 million people have died there.
The toll on all sectors of society has been great.

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HIV/AIDS has a severe impact on economies due to the fact that it strikes people in the most deep age groups and is basically 100% fatal (The Policy Project, 1999). This causes a reduction in the labor force and increased costs. The deprivation of young adults reduces overall economic output.
The economic effects of AIDS will be felt by the individual and their family past ripples out to businesses and the greater economy.
First it starts with loss of income of the patient who may be the breadwinner of the family. Household expenses rise with medical expenses and care. Once a person dies, a complete loss of income and the expenses, loss of space and mourning add to their plight.
Direct costs to a biotic community include medical expenses (medication, care etc.) and believe it or not Funeral expenses. Daily funerals in...If you want to get a full essay, society it on our website: Orderessay

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