Wednesday, February 27, 2013

flute acoustics

1. Introduction
The flute glass is one of the oldest musical instruments, having a history that dates anchor to prehistoric times whither mammoth tusks were being used to frame this reedless aerophone. The modern-day concert flute is a traverse (side-blown) instrument, and adopts the Boehm touch system, which was developed in the early 1800s. It is typically made bulge out of three parts, namely the headjoint (where the embouchure hole in which the instrumentalist blows into and across is located), the body (which houses the bulk of the flutes flyer toneholes and key mechanism), as well as the footjoint. It is also toss in the key of C, making it a non-transposing instrument, and has a veer spanning over 3 octaves starting from middle C (C4), or a semi-tone lower (B3), depending on the footjoint being used. In addition, the modern flute can be made from a classification of stuffs, ranging from nickel-silver, silver, gold, wood, platinum, or even from a combination of two or more metals.
In the following sections, we will explore the acoustical properties of the flute and how profound is produced on it, analyse its sound spectrum, comparison it with another woodwind instrument, and also investigate the impact of material on sound production.

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Through this study, it is hoped that we will be suitable to develop a more in-depth understanding of this simple, yet pretty instrument characterized by a pure, clean tone.
2. The resonant modes of the flute
The flute is an establish tube. Even though a players lower sassing covers part of the embouchure hole, much of the hole remains open to the atmosphere. Similarly, the end of the flute is also open to the air outback(a) it. Simplifying the flute somewhat to be simple cylindrical thermionic vacuum tube with all its toneholes covered, we have the following diagram as shown below.

The acoustic pressure, or the variation in pressure due to sound waves, is zero at the ends of the pipe due to the pressure here being approximately atmospheric pressure. These points of zero...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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