Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To Avoid Stress

How to avoid stress

We are living in the time that we mystify to rush to the work, to the bus or train, to meet somebody, to finish everything on time. We rush to grow up, to be somebody, to finish secondary work or to adult. To guarantee our aim of life we can non avoid stress. Why? What is stress and how to avoid it?
Stress is a reaction to physiological or psychological events or droll situations such as: the high life temper, much business enterprise at work, personal life, weather changes, political changes and etc. pitying body accepts these situations as danger to our immunity and life. A foresightful lasting stress exhausts our immunity. Surplus of stress hormones steroids decrease whizz work and as a result our memory does non work properly. Moreover, too much stress increases a riskiness to get ill. To avoid stress we have to dispose physiological and psychological situation and help ourselves to relax and do non stress. We should exercise more such as weight training, running, go more outside for a walk and other animal(prenominal) activities.

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Besides, we should balance our ration like choosing fruits, vegetables, low caloric meal and milk products. Physical activity and suitably balanced bouncing food will help us to con quantitye every harmful materials in a natural way. In this way we will avoid all stressed events and situations in our life.
To sum up, we should enjoy our life and in bad things see something good, do not rush anywhere, understand and love people almost us. The better way to avoid stress is to laugh. Laugh is the best way to ensure our life quality.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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