Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lab Question 2

Lab Questions

1. What are the 3 everyday products and practices that contribute around to your environmental footprint?

The three everyday products and practices that contribute to a greater extent or little to my environmental footprint is food, services, and shelter.

2. What impacts might result if everyone in the cosmea enjoyed the same lifestyle? For example, what might the impacts be on:
a. macrocosms climate?
The earths climate would initiatory of all polluted by the amount of driving I do in a day instead political machine pooling or catching the bus. Also, the amount of fuel Im using will affect the earths climate. Their would be less(prenominal) plants and animals, and other living tings. The water can delineate contaminated.

b. The health of ecosystems and biodiversity?

It will take longer for my process packages to decompose, more bacteria would be open up to the world, and we may be limited on food sources.

c. Humanitys lifelike resource base and thus economic security?

cancel resources is being used a lot more, because most of us havent gone green.

3. Identify solutions to distributively of the 3 components of your environmental footprint that you listed in question 2. What are the savings of BOTH carbon arcs and money you can achieve via each solution?

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Some solutions is to use energy efficient appliances, spoil less prepackage stuff so it will be less waste to dispose of or use materials that has been recycled, and use solar panel for less energy.

b. How much would this amount to if every sign in America (roughly 100 million) did this?

If I was to use less it will save me $1, 490 a year and out of 130, 217 my emission will reduce to 17, 363 totaling Co2 to 112,854.

c. If everybody did this, what might the impact on the health of our environment be? For example, how might these collective actions reach our air and water quality? The health of the worlds forests?
These collective actions will make the air and the water cleaner...If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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