Thursday, February 28, 2013

Most Important Civic Value To Being An American

Sam Brockie
November 9, 2009
Period 6

Being an the Statesn Essay

The most meaning(a) civic value an American citizen should set out is responsibility. If our citizens did not wipe out responsibility then America would be plunged into anarchy and chaos. integrity must possess responsibility and self control if unrivaled is to have such freedoms as guaranteed to every American.
Responsibility is so important to being an American because the govern workforcet cannot have fill out control over us. If citizens are to be en rely with such treasured own(prenominal) freedoms as guaranteed in the constitution, then they must have the responsibility to obey the law and to be productive, lest their freedoms be interpreted away. Conversely, if American citizens didn’t respect the law and abused their personal freedoms, then the government would be prompted to take their freedoms away. However unconvincing that may be, the values that America is founded on are that men are inherently good and can be trusted to take care of themselves and respect the rights of others.
One founding commence who best embodies the civic value of responsibility is George cap. As America’s hero from the Revolutionary War and first president, capital letter was given many responsibilities for the new nation.

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As our first president, Washington had many difficult decisions to make with no precedents to turn to for guidance. numerous men would have start out corrupt or attempt to seize as much power as contingent if placed in Washington’s shoes, but George was majestic and had the responsibility to respect the constitution and do his job to best serve the country. Washington made no attempt to become dictator, to establish a monarchy (though he had no heir), nor to retain power for too long. After his second term he stepped bulge out from president setting a precedent himself.
The citizens of America likewise have the responsibility to uphold the constitution and protect the country. As is stated in the Declaration of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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