Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hydro Analysis

Test Results Summary Grain-Size digest of Soil (Including Both automatonlike and Hydrometer Analyses)
ETCE 3131L
Dean Lle wellyn

Test Performed
1. Grain Size Analysis of Soil (Including Both Mechanical and Hydrometer Analysis)
* Referenced archive: ASTM D 422 (Particle Size Analysis of Soils)
Test Program

Before we began our analytic thinking on the estate we gather all equipment and make collection they are in working order.

Sieve Analysis:
2. compose down the conceivet of each sieve as well as the bottom cooking pan to be used in the analysis.
3. Record the weight of the given dry commonwealth model.
4. feature sure that all the sieves are clean, and assemble them in the upgrade order of sieve numbers (#4 sieve at top and #200 sieve at bottom). bug out the pan below #200 sieve. Care dependabley pour the smear sample into the top sieve and place the cap over it.
5. Place the sieve stack in the mechanical joltr and shake for 3 minutes.
6. Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each sieve with its retain soil. likewise weigh and record the weight of the bottom pan with its retained fine soil.

Hydrometer Analysis:

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Take the fine soil from the bottom pan of the sieve set, place it into a beaker and carry 125mL of the dispersing agent. Stir the mixture until the soil is thoroughly wet. Let the soil soak for at least ten minutes.
2. While the soil is soaking, add dispersing agent into the mesh cylinder (Sodium Hexametaphosphate 125ml) and fill it with weewee to the mark.
3. Shake the cylinder in such a carriage that the contents are mixed thoroughly. Insert the hydrometer and thermometer into the control cylinder and record temperature.
4. Transfer the soil slurry into a mixer by adding more distilled water.(Tap water)
5. Then mix the solution for ii minutes.
6. Immediately transfer the soil slurry into the empty sedimentation container. chalk up water up to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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