Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chemistry Lab Report Example

Decomposing baking popping

※ Purpose:
To learn the percent exit of atomic number 11 carbonate from a decomposition reaction and to determine the percentage of sodium hydrogen carbonate in an unbeknownst(predicate) mixture.

※ Procedure:
(a) portion yield of Na2CO3 from baking pop
1. Weigh a baker, and record the mass. Add baking carbonated water, NaHCO3, and reweigh.
2. Weigh the baker containing sodium carbonate residue. Find out the mass of Na2CO3
3 judge the theoretical yield of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, from the pure baking soda that was heated. Find the percent yield of sodium carbonate
(B) percentage of NaHCO3 in an unknown Mixture
1. Obtain an unknown sample containing baking soda. scan the unknown number.
2. Repeat steps 1---3 as in mapping A, substituting the unknown mixture for the pure baking soda.
3. solve the mass of baking soda,NaHCO3 , and find the percentage of baking soda in the unknown mixture.
※ Data and observations

(a) Table 1: Percent yield of Na2CO3 from baking soda
Percent yield of Na2CO3 from baking soda rivulet 1Trial 2
pickle of flask + NaHCO395.12 g93.45g
plentifulness of flask94.15g92.03g
Mass of NaHCO30.97g1.42g
Mass of flask + Na2CO395.01g93.12g
Mass of Na2CO3 (actual yield)0.86g1.09g
Mass of Na2CO3 (theoretial yield) 0.61g0.

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% yield of Na2CO3140%120%

(b) Table 2: Percent of baking soda in Unknown
Percentage of NaHCO3 in an unknown mixture # CTrial 1Trial 2
Mass of flask + unknown mixture #C (before heating)95.81g94.85g
Mass of flask94.15g92.03g
Mass of unknown mixture (before heating)1.66g2.82 g
Mass of flask + residue (after heating)95.20g93.80g
Mas of H2CO3 (H2O + CO2) (after heating)0.61g1.05g
Mass of NaHCO3 in the unknown mixture1.65g2.84g
% of NaHCO3 in the unknown mixture99.0%101%
※ Calculations
For table 1:
notional yield of Na2CO3 for trial 1
Theoretical yield = mass NaHCO3 ×1mol NaHCO3 / 84.01g NaHCO3×
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