Tuesday, February 26, 2013

battlestar galatica

Battlestar Galactica space drama taking place in a fantasy galaxy of 9 planets represented by our accepted zodiac signs, so there are plenty of parallels to our society, as head as their final goal to reach Earth. In the commencement episode it is explained how there was a previous war humanness vs. machine some 40 years previous to the startle of the series when the enemies (Cylon) forces mysteriously disappeared. On the anniversary of when they are say to meet and discuss peace, which Cylons never attended, they launched a surprise round out decimating the 12 colonies, and nearly destroying all of man cordial.
A fleet of almost 60,000 human survivors and one battlestar, a warship and only rattling means of defense against attack, begin a journey to Earth. With the panic of Cylons hiding among the fleet and constant attack of enemy beginning ships following Admiral Adama and his forces, the complexitys of running a government, food, water, fuel, and civil unrest Battlestar Galactica is action packed and never picayune on political commentary.
In episode 14 in season 2, entitled Black Market, the black- marketplace market is discussed and its component part in the fleet.

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An ex-marine and self proclaimed badass has complete control of prostitution, drugs, food, clothes, medical supplies, and anything one could want to have a comfortable, or at least manageable life, is currently running the black market. With a failing economy, shortage of capitol and constant political unrest the black market is thriving.
The episode begins with the Commander of the second battlestar that joins the fleet, Pegasus, being assassinate by the leader of the black market. Meanwhile the Admirals son and superior of the fighter pilots is sleeping with one of his prostitutes to fill some kind of gap that was made when the colonies was attacked by the Cylons. After being appointive to lead the investigation and doing some legwork the captain discovers the black market is deep rooted, and nearly everyone including the Vice...If you want to get a across-the-board essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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