Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Final Ap Review

15. According to Martin Luther, salvation was achieved by following your faith. He didnt deliberate in the Catholic belief of salvation through favorable works.
16. The frist stock market was in Amsterdam. Mercantilism is an economic constitution used to increase a nations wealth by the presidential term regulating all commercial interests.
17. The Ottoman Empire was defeat by the Turks in 1453. Janissaries were loyal supporters of the Turks. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526. The Mughal Empire was socially distinct from other Muslim Empires in that it ruled a larger Hindu majority.
18. The Samurai were the fighting mannikin in Japan. The Qing dynasty was established by the Manchu invaders in China by and by defeating the invaders.
19.The first Europeans to reach the Indian Ocean by ocean were the Portugese.
20. The title of Russias emperor were the Csar or Tsar.
21.The Enlightment was an intellectual movement of the eighteenth century centered on Britain and France. During the French revolution Lousi xvi was beheaded during the French Revolution. The Invasion of Russia led to Napoleons final pass up and ultimate defeat. Toussaint Louverture was the leader of the slaves that rebelled in what is now haiti. Under Louveture thrall was abolished on the Hispaniola.

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The first practical steam engine was invented by Robert Fulton. The Telegraph was invented in order to allow instant converse across long distances. Adam Smith justified capitalism. He beliebed that there was no limit to the amount of wealth that could be created. Smith also said that the government should not snuff it involved or regulate economic transactions. Industrialization do the rest of the World become more like the West. and then the relationship between the two parts of the world got correct and less violent.
23. The Latin American wars of Independence were triggered by teh vacum of strength in Spain after Napoleons invasions. When Brazil became independent it became a permanent monarchy. The Latin...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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