Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cease the Banning of Books

Ana Hunter Eng. 11011 4:25 PM Ms. Holly Geil 10/6/08 Essay 2 Draft Final Cease the Banning of Books If defends are to be evictned, and then who is going to read them? Books are meant to be read, not proscribed. Books are banned in the United States and around the world because they cover highly controversial topics, i.e.: political views, sex, violence, death, religion, language, racial slurs, etc. doubtfulness: Do movies not show these same qualities? Why contain at banning just books? Movies might as surface be banned, especially since many of the books banned have been make into movies. There is too much inconsistency involved with book banning. Books should not be banned, regardless of certain issues that they may or may not have, especially if the book is among The Classics. Does it not take care that a book is banned just because some champion disagrees with a theme it contains? Considering the castigate of free speech, are there delicious reasons to do so? There are valid reasons to ban certain books, but some books that have at one point been banned and/or are still banned are still a part of the curriculum in some public schools in the United States. Would that be considered imposture?
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The First Amendment gives the right of freedom of speech and press, but the right of free speech and press is limited by standards of decency and ethics (Leavitt, 241). To whom do these standards belong? What exactly are they? These standards can strangulate a persons individualism and freedoms. The government tries to treasure a person, but all it really is, with the help of society, is a harmful force to an individual. Closing books shuts out ideas. People should be able to read what they want to read without fear of organism incarcerated or worse. Many of the books banned are reflective of the term period in which it was written. So then, why isnt it easy enough that the book be accepted as a part of literary history instead of banning it? The diary of a Young Girl, based on the extracts... If you want to get out a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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