Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Women in Public Space

The founding fathers and every American official during the 1700s embellishd the great purpose that men dominated politics. Even with the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed that on the whole men are created equal, women did not gain voting rights for around 150 years after the document was written. Through the 1800s and aboriginal 1900s, women gained confidence and established organizations to assert their own rights. They formed potent strikes and suffrage groups that coincided with political events in the 1900s and aided in ephemeral the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the vote. The path to suffrage began as early on as the 1830s when the mill girls of the Lowell, Massachusetts textile factory, delivered fiery speeches over their poor working conditions, instilling a sense of unavoidableness to gain power. In 1909 New York City women shirtwaist workers began picketing in front of their factories, demanding better working conditions. By this time, newspapers had the technology to illustrate their stories with icongraphs. Unfortunately, the technology wasnt advanced enough to capture motion moments, so most photos were posted and action moments were drawn. look-alike 8.1 is an congresswoman that appeared in the New York Evening Journal on November 10, 1909.
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The photographs supply says, Girl Strikers: each of whom has been arrested five times for picketing. The posed photo is coupled with a drawing showing the action of natural law arresting the women. When controversy sparked due to the womens formal dresses and sybaritic hats, Clara Lemlich responded, Were all human, all of us girls, and were young. We akin new hats as well as any separate young women. Why shouldnt we? The shirtwaist strike sparked hemorrhoid of garment industry strikes in other cities, including Rochester, New York. Figure 8.2 portrays members of Rochesters branch of Garment Workers Union picketing in the overwinter of 1912 for a cut in hours. The photograph shows two women guardianship a sign that says,... If you want to get a proficient essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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