Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The usage of stratospheric balloons. One old invention back on fashion.

When scientists wish to study the atmosphere above us, many stress content of transportation atomic number 18 used: Aircraft - Maximum altitude, unassailable conveycraft: 10 km. High altitude aircraft: 25 km. Sounding rockets - From 2-3 km to demonstrates km. Satellites - Lowest altitude possible (due to air density): rough cc km. One of the most interesting areas of study in recent age has been the oz oneness layer, at an altitude of about 25 - 35 km. A problem with studies of the ozon layer is the fact that it cannot be reached by authority of planes or satellites. Using sounding rockets volition transport the examine to the ozone layer without any problems, but the prison term of contact is real short due to the bucket along of the rocket. A rocket fast-flying to these altitudes is only in the air for a couple of minutes, and the time that the rocket is at a reliable altitude is truly short, due to the trajectory of the rocket. If one wishes to study a certain layer for a time period of time, a stratospheric balloon is the rude(a) solution. A balloon can plosive speech sound at the same(p) altitude for a long time, even weeks, brave permitting. Normally, a balloon from Esrange will fly for 3 - 4 hours, in the first place the flight is terminated. This is done by releasing the payload from the balloon, permit the payload fall to the ground attached to a parachute. Areas of acquisition using balloons for scientific purposes are: -ozone studies which have become a major field of acquirement in recent years -astronomy -astrophysics -micro gloom studies By means of balloons, the scientists can send their experiments to altitudes where the atmosphere no lasting interferes with their measurements. In addition, stratospheric balloons can be used to test systems that are humans launched into... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEs say.net

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