Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A summary of the work and discoveries made by Pythagoras and the Pythagorians.

PYTHAGORAS - The man behind the subdues The Pythagoreans special physical bodys 1 The offspring one was in truth special to the Pythagoreans. It was the prototypical issue to be created, and they considered it much more(prenominal) than a rate. They thought of this number as if it was created in the chain of mountains of God. This number had divine qualities; it was a symbolization of unity, wholeness and priority. 2 Two was the first of the even numbers, which were considered as the male numbers. This was a special number too, but it didnt have as many divine qualities as number one. Teatraktos The fact that the animation of the four first numbers is ten-spot (1+2+3+4) meant something special to the Pythagoreans. In Greek they called this sum teatraktos, and this was one of the inward secrets of the group. Perfect numbers They also operated with everlasting(a) numbers. A perfect number is a number whose factors sum up to the number itself. (6: 1+2+3) Between one and 10,000 there argon nevertheless four of these; 6, 28, 496 and 8128. The Pythagoreans comp ard this to humans: very few are perfect, satisfactory and beautiful. But imperfection in numbers is common, serious want evil and ugliness in stack. The roaring Ratio a/b= 1.618 If you divide the longest side of a consecutive with the curt side of the square and impart 1.618 the square has a Golden Ratio. Here is an example: If you divide 3.2 cm with 2.0 cm you amaze 1.618. Therefore the square is considered as a comely one. Most people find things with a golden similarity beautiful. If you divide your big top with the height from your feet to your bellybutton and abide 1.618, youre perfect. The golden ratio also exists in snails houses and in other different subjects in nature. This is very well make and provides a lot of all important(p) randomness about pythagoras and the pythago rians. Anyone needing information should rea! d this piece. If you want to get a full essay, allege it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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