Friday, September 27, 2013

How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War

In march 12, 1947 with the truman doctrine and the newly introduced policy of containment ground forces headstrong to award itself with status of policeman of the humans full-grown themselves a permission to intervene anywhere in the world when they view it is neccessary. This was the policy that allowed them to interpose in vietnam. Vietnamese slew below the leading of ho chi mihn, founder of viet minh overcome cut at diem bien phu who had controll over whole indochina (thailand, vietnam, combodia, laos). Although the States was s breaking aid to french they didnt help much because electric chair eisenhower has just been elected to end the korean war whence he didnt want to direct usa in some other conflict. However after french defeat and the devision of vietnam into north which was commie and south usa started to crystalize the danger of communism ranch into asia and saw vietnam as a puppet in turn over of ussr and china. in convinction that responsibility for t he domino effect testament be theirs if they wont do anything. in 1954 usa prevented the re-uniting free elections from winning place, foreboding uniting vietnam under communist goverment. this time they showed their merry attitude, considering their disapproval with ussr, not holding free elections in their sattelites.
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hitherto there were no elections and usa picked up anti-communist diem to become a president of south vietnam. This ending led to many kvetch especially from buddhist monks since diem was ignorat to their pietism and culture, he himself being christian. during his overshadow he forbade any elections and commit members of his family into important positions. his cor ruption and bearing of controling south vie! tnam was the reason for much and more people connector the national front for the waiver of south vietnam, the viet cong. although usa didnt retain with his governance... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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