Friday, September 27, 2013

An op-ed piece about the US issue with Mad Cow Disease.

Time to End Mad frighten. One month ago, streamlet results on the 12-year-old appal believed to be harboring bovine spongiform encephalitis, also known as Mad Cow Disease, came back negative. As a result, fears of a U.S. mad alarm outbreak were allayed. However, that is no reason to notion confident to the highest degree the American beef supply. According to the constituent(a) Consumers Association, the get together States department of Agriculture has repeatedly failed to act international standards set by the World health placement to increase cows testing. The United States has a duty to treasure the American public by meeting the World Health Organizations standards and thereby preventing a potency mad cow outbreak. BSE reached epidemic status in keen Britain during the 1980s and 1990s, spur the government to slaughter thousands of cattle. To cut costs, it was car park arrange for the British cattle industry to feed cattle carcass to other cows. As a re sult of this violent apply BSE developed. It was not until 1996, when teenagers in the UK started dying of the indisposition that the British government finally conceded that BSE-infected beef was the cause. Victims of the terrible disease aphorism a complete debilitation of all functions and confront going within six months. This would explain the inconclusive death deal at 69, since the disease is often misdiagnosed with Alzheimers and other mavin diseases.
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In 1997 the United States banned the practice of cow-to-cow feeding, which was believed to be the cause of BSE. backing the 1997 ban, a loophole in this regulation allows for agribusiness to take the identical cow feed and give it to other animals: generally pigs! and chickens. The animals bear on the possibly BSE-saturated feed, and when they are slaughtered, their waste is recycled back into the food cathode-ray oscilloscope and into the cattles feed. These silent carriers can... If you want to get a full essay, club it on our website:

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