Wednesday, March 27, 2013


1.In wander to gain support Alice Paul and her colleagues had to mathematical function many tactics. Alice Paul and her colleagues published their views in flyers and newspapers. They had public demonstrations, which include speeches and parades, just it was not limited to only those. Alice Paul and her colleagues were not panicky to put up up for what they believed in and did not screen down no matter what the situation. She validated this statement when she and her colleagues picketed the egg white house at its very door steps. She continued to do so, despite some of her fellow members being jailed, until she herself was jailed. But she did not stop then, even in jail she took a stand for her beliefs and gained national recognition. By demonstrating their beliefs publically they enlightened and gained many supporters, but at the same time faced much opposition. umpteen people did not like the idea of change, they felt as if men should be dominant and the only voice women should become was around the house. Despite the opposition their tactics proved to be successful because in 1920 the 19th amendment was ratified and women were given the rectify to vote. Alice Paul and her colleagues proved to be successful because of their passive rough tactics. The tactics that NAWSA and Carrie Chapman Catt lacked.

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Alice Paul and The case Womans party, unlike NAWSA, were not afraid to stand up for what they wanted, even if it meant publically opposing the chair before and during the war. NAWSA highly opposed and denied any affiliation to the National Womans party because of this action, and considered it very unruly and un-lady like.
2. to begin with 1903 women were typically passive when it came to demanding their right to vote. But when men in parliament deemed women incapable of understanding Parliament, and unfit to vote women became enraged. In 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst started the Womens social and Political Union and they became known as the suffragettes. They were tired of their voices going...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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