Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Exam Question Examples

Briefly describe Hippocrates method of clinical observation-Hippocrates idea of clinical observation was that if a person was to fall sick, he was to be taken to a doctor, who would first of all find come out(a) the symptoms and examine the patient in order to find out what was wrong with them. The symptoms were then care blanket(a)y recorded and so that some other doctors could learn from them, or he could diagnose from other books cr takee verbally by other doctor to find the disease. Based on the symptoms the doctor a treatment which fitted in with the theory of the quaternary humours was given, often to bore more or eat a more varied diet. Also Hippocrates encouraged doctors to think for themselves and turn up to find a realistic ca handling of the nausea kind of of just using old spiritual causes reasons such as disease was a punishment from god, because he thought that would allow doctors to make violate cures. Part of his ideas was to chip away from superstitious magical cures, such as the use of amulets or sacrifices used before him in the prehistoric time and try to use logical more sensible cures found on the theory of the four humours such as to eat a more balanced diet or exercise regularly. Unlike other doctors Hippocrates also prescribed prevention methods as well as cures because Hippocrates thought strongly that prevention was better than cure.

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Explain why gore was used so lots in the Middle Ages- Bloodletting was used so frequently in the middle ages for a number of reasons. In Galens books which were very popular at the time, it stated that to cure an illness balancing of the four humours was used, so taking out bare blood seems like a good idea. Many deal had been convinced completely by Galen because of his previous discoveries, so almost tidy sum rejected all new ideas meaning people still used the old ones, such as bloodletting being effective and the four humours and were happy to proceed with his recommended treatments. This tactual sensation within doctors never changed because...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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