Monday, January 28, 2013

Social Deviance Of Religous Cults

The subject of deviance , taken from any(prenominal) context---be it political spiritual or cultural---has fueled many heated debates over the decades Although the has accumulated a rather large body of knowledge experts , theorists , critics and academicians be no closer to reaching an agreement about anything . check to Clinard (2004 , deviance takes many forms , but the agreement remains debatable about which specific behaviors and conditions constitute deviance . This ambiguity becomes curiously evident when some deal praise the same behaviour that others condemn . To understand deviance , one must branch understand this contradiction : No consensus reliably identifies behaviour , people , or conditions that are deviant , although most people would set up that they know deviance when they see it (p .2People can , and often are , labeled deviant for alternative attitudes or belief systems that separate from what company considers prescribed norms These alternative belief systems may be , but not limited to , a religious or political category , wherein the people who ascribe to such determine are considered to hold strange and unorthodox perspectives (e .g cult members , uttermost(prenominal) political leftists , Satanists (Adler Adler ,1994Taking note of these contemporary times , nothing is more than than evident , than the global religious diversity and the conflicts in society that arise from it . But what is the threshold of tolerance when it comes to religion , more specifically when it comes to cults ? Sociologists cannot seem to agree on how society should pass off when it comes to these new religious movements and how these new religious movements affect the growing of prescribed norms . Clinard (2004 , in Sociology of Deviant Behaviour , highlights a cistron that is essential to understanding , and not judging , cultic behaviour when he stated that , if we remove the religious component , the criterion for whether the manners in question should be forbidden should rest on whether there is any demonstrable objectively measurable accessible harm resulting from it (p .
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15Sociology , as a scientific discipline , commits itself to the try for general , explanatory theories that shed light , albeit in an addict way , to the probable causes of empirical change in any given societal situation . In the sub-area of religion , further , it is extremely difficult to encapsulate the diverse cultural , neighborly and spiritual processes in one neat idea . therefrom , the sociological task is to embrace , in analytical formulations of colossal employment , diverse cultural contents---and the unstated but unvoiced , assumption of sociologists is that their concepts should , like those of natural scientists , be of universal application . It has been commonplace of modern sociological theory that social systems regard for their integration on value consensus , and that such consensus attains its ultimate scene in religion (Barker ,1982 ,p .16There is definitely a clamour on the part of sociologists and the general public to discuss the effects , either positive or detrimental of cults on society . In the official webpage of the Organization for Religious Tolerance , this appears : CULTS a .k .a . invigorated Religious Movements Are they spiritual , positive , gentle , guileless , heretical mind-controling , dangerous , homicidal .or all of the above ? Sociology in response to...If you want to get a full essay, ramble it on our website: Orderessay

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