Monday, January 28, 2013

Social Condition

In Defense of Same-Sex Marriages in the USHomosexuality and its implications on society has been the subjugate of much social , judicial and legislative debate and intelligence in the US where approximately 10 of the population is butch ( Gay rights overview ) Conservative organizations concord pitted themselves against advocacy groups that guard that homosexuality is not a disease , and has not been since 1989 , and that homosexuals should be treated equally as heterosexual personsOne of the most controversial of the issues go about the homosexual population in the US is the legalization of same-sex pairings , with in onus(p) complement of federal , state and national spousal rights and privileges accorded to heterosexual wedding ceremonys . While more than half of the US population has indicated choke off and acceptance of homosexuals in society , the issue of same-sex marriages has proven to be the stumbling block . This issue gained prominence in 1996 when gay couples in Hawaii initiated a lawsuit demanding to be legally allowed to join (JohnsonGay rights dictate that homosexual couples may register themselves as municipal partners , mainly to establish legal responsibility for finances , and espousal ( Gay rights ) However , marriage encompasses a whole blow of spousal rights and privileges not accorded to domestic partners . The arguments advanced against the legalization same-sex marriages film no secular or significant scientific ground and is primarily , and simply , discrimination against a minority groupSame-sex marriages capture been legal in Netherlands since 1989 and some of the possible negative factors that have been attributed to the legalization of same-sex marriage have been countered by studies of same-sex couples in the Netherlands .
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In fact , a 1995 survey of members of Danish clergy indicate that a majority of them believe that same-sex marriages have exercised a beneficial effect on society (Bidstrup These possible negative consequences will be discussed and arguments against these will be presentedPolyamory , or the union of more than cardinal people of all possible combination of sexes in a homogenous relationship , is the most recent argument that is communicate will result from the legalization of same-sex marriages . It is argued that if same-sex marriage is legalized , it is 1 ill-treat towards legalization of polyamory , especially since advocates of this movement is using same-sex marriage sit downs as the basis for the lobby (Kurtz ) This is not a reasonable demonstration , as it may be pointed out that using the model does not equate to it being of the same intent Same-sex marriage appeals to a halt to discrimination towards a minority , and does not seek to challenge the tenets of monogamy . In fact , same-sex marriage rejects the notion of polygamy by the very nature of the institution that is quest to establish , that of a legal union between devil people , albeit of the same sexBidstrup enumerates numerous objections to same-sex marriages and provides arguments to counter each one . One is promiscuity , the implication being that all homosexuals are promiscuous by nature . This is clearly a subject field of stereotyping and racial profiling . Promiscuity is not exclusive to homosexuals , nor is it...If you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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