Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scientific Method

Scientific rule acting acting is Science s way of inquiring on things and trying to establish a truth that they have tested and experimented on . It is the way of scientist in correcting and integrating previous friendship Scientist tries their best not to be bias in translation results of their experiment . The recitation of scientific method is similar to an objective- found experiment , without the clouds of subjectivityWho was the atomic number 53 who formulated this helpful method of experiment in the field of science ? There is no one exact man who formulated it but it is the development of friendship by different people from different time The Muslims were say to be the one to practice using scientific method as shown in their philosophy . Muslim philosophy shows that they use experiments to test their theories , conducts peer review which develops into a consensus before they acquit something as knowledge , which for them is synonymous to general truth (WikipediaRene Descartes was say to be the first scientist to conduct what they termed then as a scientific method of testing whims . He published the plow on Method where the Cartesian coordinate system evolves from His method of experimenting was he doubts everything at first as to assess the man from a fresh perspective , clear of any preconceive notions . Rene Descartes famous saying , Cogito Ergo Sum was also move from this book . A famous saying embedded by most philosophical scientist today which means , I commend therefore I am (WikipediaAnother famous scientist who had contributed in the growing of scientific method was Stuart Mill . He tried to undertake the application of science and logic to social issues and natural phenomena . unrivaled of his famous works was the System of Logic that was published in 1843 .
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HE presented the thought of logic of consistency , the one that he regards as formal logic and logic of proof which is synonymous to showing how evidence proved or tended to prove the conclusions we authorise from that evidence . Mill s explanation was a broad one . He tries to seek explanation for the events that human beings are kindle from . He looks for general laws where we are concerned to explain less(prenominal) general laws as special cases of those laws . This work of Mill has wear out because of the fact that he was unwilling to accept the idea that social sciences would become omniscient about human demeanour . He failed to see the truth that there is more that could be explained regarding social affairs , that there is an explanation deeper than that of common senseIt was Charles Sanders Peirce who proposed an idea that has greatly influence the development of general scientific method . His idea focuses on using both Deduction and inductor . He had published a book entitled How to sham Our Ideas Clear in 1878 . In this book of his , he gave an compend of how to objectively verify the truth . Peirce idea was that induction and significance complements each other and not in...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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