Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Thesis statement : There is a need for humane beings to be a part of a group . elite group and even secret validations such as freemasonry satisfies this need and look as a driving force to act as ideal citizens and initiate change in the societyFirst argument : employment in freemasonry helps an individual to become a better personLike some(prenominal) other organization , freemasonry has its own set of guides on the expression of its extremitys . They obey moral laws and as a matter of incident , a person should be morally upright if he wants to be a mason . A Mason is HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /www .newadvent .org /cathen /11189a .htm obliged by his Tenure , to obey the HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /www .newadvent .org /cathen /10559a .htm moral HYPERLINK http /www .newadvent .org /cathen /09053a .htm law : and if he rightly understands the Art , he result never be a stupid HYPERLINK http /www .newadvent .org /cathen /02040a .htm Atheist nor an impious Libertine (Catholic Encyclopedia ) If a man is guided by a moral law , it is obvious that he give peppy an upright life particularly if they have friends who be accountable to their actions . In freemasonry each member treats each others as brothers . Brotherhood means that they should stand with one another especially when it comes to their personal life and maintaining the goal of their organization . As relational beings , we need friends and people we are comfortable with to motivate us . In the case of masonry , each member is motivated to live according to the standard of their organization because everyone is doing itSecond argument : Masonry inspires its members to initiate loving change and political revolutionIn the case of cut Revolution , freemasonry compete a major role in its success . succession it is both simplistic and specious to lay the responsibility for the French Revolution at the door of Freemasonry there is no hesitation that freemasons , as individuals , were active in building , and rebuilding , a new society ( in the French Revolution , freemasonry .
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byc .ca ) Its members who were considered as intellectuals of their society were the ones who were responsible in initiating the revolution . Indeed , a society needs intelligent and passionate confidential informationers who will initiate social change and even revolution In the Philippines , their 1896 revolution against the Spanish regime was also inspired by freemasonry . Andres Bonifacio who happened to be its founder and supreme leader is a member of freemasonry . Because of his experiences as a mason , Bonifacio was able to organize their formation of laws and beliefs . They were able to create their own constitution and just equivalent freemasonry , they believe in the Supreme Being . But to a greater extent than its structure , Bonifacio was deeply inspired by the teachings of Freemasonry . Although there is a belief that freemasonry holds a secret doctrine , teachings such as social justice and equality are part of their organization . These teachings inspired Bonifacio and other great political leaders to lead a social revolutionReferences Freemasonry . New Advent .Org . 22 February 2008 in the French...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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