Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Feasibility Study

I. Introduction i. Scope of the Project/ Executive Summary Arroceros forest Park has a total land area of 21,428 square meters, it has 60 physical body of indigenous trees and ten kinds of shits that choose to live in the common. Arroceros Forest Park are non build to handle bird hardly this is a forest park, some of the trees are be possessed of its capability to handle and attract birds to inhabit in the place, so the management decide to build an open cages for the birds. You can overly see the a small portion of Pasig river view in the forest park. Arroceros Forest Park is now a heritage and historical site. The existence of this park marks to some environmental lover, many volunteers are going in the site to add up in the environment by means of cleaning the environs and planting some trees. It is also visited by student, and some instructors make this forest park as the site for their NSTP class. This forest park is open for public, anyone can enter in the forest park, you conscionable need to sign on their log book so you can freely explore and enjoy the forest park. flat a day forest park became the lung of the City, they aim to build this kind of park to help the environment and to control the closing of the ozone layer.
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We conducted this study to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats of this area. Arroceros Forest Park is not actually made to be visit by the tourist, but we can see the potential of this area, thats why we conducted a case study in this area. Our team observed in the area and interview on some of the members of the Winner insane asylum Inc. which is the developer of this site, and also some of the volunteers who clean the forest park for us to determine the areas to be develop. This case study also has its pass with regards to the problems hat we cited during our observation and through the help of some military force that we interviewed. Included in this study are the recommended marketing strategies and... If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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