Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cesar Chavez - Renaming 39th Avenue

WR 122 23 May 2009 Renaming thirty-ninth Avenue This past April there was an word Dont rename 39th Avenue published in the Oregonian editorial section opposing the renaming of 39th Avenue in downtown Portland. This editorials take is that this 7.2 mile arterial stretch of road is essential 25,000 to 30,000 motorists to engender their way through the urban center of Portland. It also claims that the 655 single-family homes do not want the name change either. The editorial supports this claim by stating that even though 39th Avenue does not authoritativeise significant historical value or meaning, renaming the channel would set many people would get lost. The author of the editorial suggests alternatively of renaming 39th Avenue, name TriMets new pedestrian, transit and light-rail bridge over the Willamette. The editorial states that this would honor Cesar Chavez as much or more than renaming 39th Avenue (The Oregonian). This issue seemed to hit the media in October 2007 when the indeed Mayor of Portland, tom Potter, suddenly left a street renaming meeting regarding Cesar Chavez (Mayer). Since then, this issue has continued to gain more media attention.
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However, Tom Potter later defended his actions stating that the commissioners were discussing alternatives to the renaming proposal, which was disrespectful to the Hispanic friendship (Redden). The City of Portland has a city code that took effect in 1989 and it explains the criteria for renaming a street. According to the code, any individual or organization may apply to the City to rename a City street. except a prominent person who has achieved prominence because of his or her significant, positivistic contribution to the United States of America and/or the local community qualifies. The prominent person must be a real person and someone who has been deceased for at least quin years (City of Portland). According to the City of Portland, the deciding group in this matter is the Portland Planning Commission.... If you want to get a in full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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