Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Life of Eleanor of Aquitaine

Most of its citizens were massacred or sell into slavery. Inspired by this event and proclamations of the Pope, and by the preaching of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Louis sevensome and German emperor Conrad III organized their own identify military expeditions to the Middle East.

At age 19, Eleanor knelt in the duomo of VTzelay before the celebrated Bernard of Clairvaux, later St. Bernard, offering him thousands of her vassals for the Second Crusade. However, Eleanor had no intention of sitting quietly at home plot her husband went off to war. The King and his advisors may render been unconnected to ta big businessman Eleanor and her company of 300 women along on the Crusade, scarcely Eleanor also offered the services of a thousand men from Aquitaine, and the king agreeed.

While the Catholic Church may have been cheerful to receive her thousand fighting vassals, they were less happy when they wise to(p) that Eleanor, attended by 300 of her ladies planned to go to dish tend to the wounded. The presence of Eleanor, her ladies and wagons of female servants, was widely criticized. Dressed in armor and carrying lances, the women never fought.

When Louis' army reached the city of Antioch, Eleanor found herself in a renewed friendship with her uncle Raymond who had been become prince of Antioch by marrying the topical anaesthetic princess. . Raymond entertained the crusaders in grand style, paying special guardianship to Eleanor. Raymond, only a few years older than Eleanor, was uttermost more intere

Cavendish, Richard. "ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE MARRIES HENRY OF ANJOU." recital Today 52.5 (2002): 64.

Louis demanded that Eleanor follow him to Jerusalem. Furious, Eleanor announced that their sexual union was not well-grounded in the eyes of God, for they were related through some family connections to an consummation prohibited by the Church. Louis nonetheless forced Eleanor to honor her marriage vows and ride with him. The expedition fail led by Louis failed, and a defeated Eleanor and Louis returned to France in separate ships.

Ulrich Boser writing in U.S. intelligence service & World Report notes that Eleanor of Aquitaine was a model for future feminists. She had a job, as ruler of Aquitaine.
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She was the biological mother of two daughters by King Louis of France, but was willing to give up integral custody to the King in order to be released from the marriage. She consented to an annulment. She marital prince Henry of England who was twelve years younger than her. She rejected the uninventive role of women and refused to sit an home while her husband went to elapse the Second Crusade. Instead, she joined him on the crusade. She mastered Court politics, and over a long-life when her political fortunes were in decline, she seemed to manage to date a way out. Eleanor was also sexually liberated and refused to accept the role of a chaste noblewoman. Eleanor of Aquitaine was married twice, was reported to have had numerous affairs including an affair with her Uncle, as well as with Prince Henry of England's father the King in her younger age (Boser). Richard Cavendish writing for History Today agrees with Boser. Cavendish describes Eleanor of Aquitaine as being beautiful, wanton, capricious, sophisticated, exceedingly intelligent and accustomed to having her own way. Under both Richard and magic she was active in matters of state. Eleanor died in a nunnery at Fontrevault in Anjou in her early eighties in 1204, having been for much of a lifetime a feminist and arguably the most mightily woman in Eu
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