Wednesday, March 7, 2018

'The Universality of Management'

' counseling is the process of organize and overseeing the activities in an post which ensures that faceal goals atomic number 18 met (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2009). It is due to its high-pitched importance that several(prenominal) theories regarding direction aim evolved through the years. Henri Fayol was a French place/executive who wrote some eight decades ago, provides an great landmark in the development of emphasising theory (Wren, 1995). Henri Fayols four handlerial functions include contrivening, organizing, leading, and controlling. withal it is suspenseable as to whether these theories behind be relate to the passenger vehicles in todays world. Furthermore, a question of universality of management is raised in todays world to unwrap the similarities among conductors. This essay testament further indoctrinate whether these common techniques can be related to the two directors.\nThe prototypal manager I interviewed was Mr. S who is the surfa ce area manager of SS cashbox Ltd. SS Bank, Engaged in banking services, where Mr. S operates as a snapper level manager and is accountable to the president of SS Bank. The second manager I interviewed was fell N who is an suspensor manager in PC. PC is a multinational Auditing firm. mislay N is the offshoot line manager and she is directly refer with coaching the pertly hired employees and her trade is to review and discerp the fieldwork.\nNowadays all(prenominal) successful vocation sector requires supplying. The business plan is a serial publication of activities, which need to be performed in pose to achieve the organizations long goals. All departments should energize their respective business plans with objectives and strategies to achieve those general organizational objectives (Pryor & Taneja, 2010). As a manager Mr. S is diligent in planning for achieving their organization goal. It is a fact that premier and middle level managers do not have to focus m uch on planning. Therefore, Mr. S mark three for the planning, consumption little clock time on planni... '

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