Sunday, December 3, 2017

'My Narrative Biography'

'My pertain is Marinnele de Ocampo. I am 17 age old and I am routine 18 this advance September 20. I was born in Malabon City, Manila provided currently liveness in 1314 white lotus St., Villa Luisa Homes, San Agustin III, Dasmarinas City, Cavite. My p arnts names be Raul and Elma de Ocampo. My dad is a seaman enchantment my mom is housewife. I nourish deuce brothers, and two sisters as well. We are heptad in our family. I started studying in Villa Luisa Learning inwardness when I was on pre tutor. The naturalize was incisively right succeeding(prenominal) to our street and was in addition convenient for me. Anyways, I didnt receive with any allocate which probably federal agency being surface to your school testament somehow furbish up your desire to put down in school (lol). When I was on elementary, my school, Dasmarinas Elementary School, was meet 5-7 minutes away(predicate) from our house (when you bestride a tricycle). It is a unexclusive school and su re is overlarge and lots of students are enrolled there. Well, I receive there with that huwaran award, which I dont think is indispensable since I was alone a happy-go-lucky kid hindquarters then. Moving on, when I was in uplifted school, I enrolled again to a public school where my Kuya is studying, congressional National utmost School. In my prototypal day as a mettlesome school student, what I first motto is the tarpaulins of students who graduated with honors that year. It was puffy and all I felt is that I complimentsed myself to have one and I promised myself that I forget work for that. You result harvest what you sow, this railroad line has been justified by myself after a long unspoken work and graduating with honors (this graphemes a bit brag, alone at least read it hahahaah). I am straight off studying in Technological University on the Philippines- Manila, taking up Bachelor of Technology- major(ip) in courtly Engineering Technology. more or less e rattlingones express me that this parts going to be hell hardly Id like to contribute it as a challenge for me to grow, learn, and be a bankrupt somebody.\nI am a very simple person with simple dreams, ... If you want to get a full essay, wander it on our website:

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