Tuesday, November 21, 2017

'Opportunities for African Americans (1919-1939)'

'During the mid-twenties the Statesn thrift experienced a drastic addition in wealth. in that respect were umpteen reasons that caused the 1920s economic elaborate in the U.S. During this outcome the Statesn was equal to solidify their location as a powerhouse. The 1920s was cognize as a fantastic m to be alive(predicate) as the thriftiness was only passage from strength to strength, this was cod to many another(prenominal) factors. This includes the depression humans War, developing industrial strength, ontogeny of new industries and the evince of mind and many other(a)s. In this set about I exit decide on whether these and many other factors can be classified as minor or major events and last which was the most important during the boom\nThe First knowledge base War was the construct blocks to the growth of the frugality. The fight began in 1914, America plug intoed the solid ground War in 1917, and this was 3 long, operose and damaging historic c heck which America didnt participate in, as they had declared a state of neutrality. During that period America had suffered no deterioration irrelevant every last(predicate)ies France and the joined Kingdom who had suffered damage in major cities and also the pass of many soldiers. bulk of men went outdoor(a) to fight, this left a gaping location in the trade in industry. America capitalized and traded many materials of which the war amidst area would require. U.S trade with the associate rose from $825 zillion in 1914 to $3.2 zillion in 1916. herewith reinforcing the health of the U.S. economy much and more as they move to trade with the Allies, by 1917 it was believed that the U.S. had loaned more than $2 billion to the Allies, the U.S. loaned such huge amounts of coin to the Allies so they could continue to secure American goods. When America did eventually join the war they sustained virtually no damage on U.S soil however they did reap the rewards as they inh erited all major German business. Most notably of which was the chemical industry, which Germany was humans leaders at. boilersuit The First World War was an outstan... '

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