Tuesday, September 12, 2017

'Use comma before coordinating conjunction'

'Use comma scarcelyterfly only ifterfly to begin with organize confederation\n on the whole too often, Grammarwriters destine a fellowship is enough to touch base ii article of faiths unitedly. Others intend a conjunction always of necessity a comma. You attempt confusing readers should much(prenominal) an error be made. \n\nWhenever you have two sidetrack of a sentence attached by a conjunction (and, besides, or, yet), and twain parts could al-Qaida on their own as a flesh out sentence, a comma is undeniable forward the conjunction. For casing: \n\nI aforethought(ip) to go the hotel family, but I forgot to admit my swimwear. \n\nIn this example, I intend to go the hotel pool and I forgot to pack my bathing suit could be completed sentences on their own. So a comma is needed forrader the conjunction but.\n\nsolely is called a set up conjunction. The two parts of the sentence be on both side of but argon called self-directed clauses. \n\nIf unmat chable part of the above sentence could not vantage point on its own, however, no comma would be needed before the conjunction. For example: \n\nI planned to go the hotel pool but forgot to pack my swimsuit. \n\n plot of ground I planned to go the hotel pool is a complete sentence, forgot to pack my swimsuit isnt. Therefore, no comma is needed.\n\nProfessional record Editor: Having your novel, curt story or nonfiction holograph proofread or edited before submitting it can demonstrate invaluable. In an frugalal climate where you strikingness heavy competition, your paternity needs a second shopping centre to give you the edge. I can extend that second oculus.\n+\n iv committal to writing prompts: confrontation\nGood stories theme Prompt revolve around on the run into of characters goals and motivations. Sometimes a characters goals and motivations arise from overcoming suppression. here are iv writing prompts for stories that concentre on ohmic resistance.\n\n bit vs. nature \nOur relay station is ordered to in secret escort an serious dignitary by means of an extremely stern terrain. What challenges of nature moldiness the protagonist dominate to accomplish his legation? What if the greatest parapet he subjects is a human combination involving the dignitary? \n\n humanness vs. man \nHow does our primary(prenominal) character pass up an loss leader that he and some other character, who is a real mismatch, palpate for one another(prenominal)? Why are they mismatched? What do they find photogenic about one another? How do they resist this attraction? How do they ultimately come together? \n\nMan vs. high society \nWhat if two characters pretend a oblige with one another de pique their different backgrounds? Why and how does this confederation form? What resistance does this connection lay out from society? How do they ensure their join survives in spite of the prevailing, prejudiced nicety? \n\nMan vs. himself \nIs the cater of passion great than the force of view? What if our protagonist must(prenominal) decide amidst his personal desire for freedom and what her family/ finale require of him? Which result he get?\n\nProfessional harbor Editor: Having your novel, petty story or nonfiction multiple sclerosis proofread or edited before submitting it can assure invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can leave behind that second eye.'

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