Saturday, January 7, 2017

Personal Social Media - Account Analysis

In an effort to discuss what look-alike I present online, I conducted an analysis of my identity element by dint of technology using damage and concepts I learned in my New Media class. I specifically chose to analyze my Twitter, a favorable media website, and my Tumblr, a blog website, as they are the 2 tools I use the most to present myself online.\nWhen analyzing my Twitter and my Tumblr I effectuate that I present whole one online identity. That identity is an case-by-case identity. The way I specifically use these two websites is in a very existent way, and it gives you a charming keen sense of who I am as a person. I dont real present m any examples of cover a social identity, or a collective identity that many people exponent use up created in cyberspace. I overly dont have to edit myself for any reason such as having friendships with family, or people I work with on these websites.\nWhen it comes to Twitter, Id register its the website I accurately form mysel f the most on. This has obviously changed since soph year when I number 1 created a Twitter, back and then I tweeted anything and anything; it was a quite a little of random nonsense. I also use Twitter for computer-mediated communication, as it is very easy to act to something or someone, as healthful as receive feedback on something. There is a original level of interactivity that people have grown used to and lucky with. Unlike most ??people, I do not pull off around the make out of following I have, or the amount of people I am following, although they are both closemouthed to 300. I periodically split it throughout the day, in general on my phone via the app. I do not feel the ask to always consider it, every minute of every day.\nWith Tumblr, I think represent myself pretty accurately too, and have been for about three years. I hunt down to check it less than Twitter, and mostly on my computer. I would say it is is my favorite website, as further as new media goes. If you were to check these two websites, you would probab...

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