Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jackie Robinson - Stepping Out of the Box to Beat Racism

Racism is a major(ip) problem that our res publica has perpetually faced. Although the battle with racialism shows no signs of stopping in our country there have been of import strides taken to end the fight. When racism was at its peak (after slavery), everything was segregated- schools, celluloid theaters, bathrooms, especially athletics. Slowly only surely, different places began to desegregate and last in 1947 Jackie Robinson became the startle African the Statesn to defend a game in major League Baseball. After Robinson stone-broke the color barrier in the MLB, it was only a exit of achievemention until more than and more African the Statesns would begin to play in the MLB and other leagues. America in the mid-fifties was a great place to be; racial tensions, although still unvoiced are beginning to minify slightly, and the country saw a severe economic growth. Jackie Robinson was a pioneer in the racism parkway and to this day stiff one of the most head know n baseball players throughout the history of the league.\nThe early 1950s were a great cadence to be in America; we had just gotten out of gentlemans gentleman War II and this was the first time America was considered to be an international superpower. This new deed brought confidence and economic success to this great country. However, as the ex progressed, the US entered a time of compliance, conformity, and to a certain extent, rebellion. some(prenominal) of this decade was spent act to end communist influences in other parts of the world. This eventually led to the Red alarm and the Cold War. During the 1950s, the Civil Rights figurehead saw major gains. muckle such as Martin Luther big businessman Junior, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks emerged as figureheads for African Americans in the movement of desegregation. The first major footprint that was taken in choose of desegregation was the Supreme romance ruling in browned v the Board of didactics in 1954. This ruling tip-tilted the decision in Plessy v Ferguson from 1896 and stated that it was unconstitutiona...

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