Monday, October 27, 2014

Abstract : The life and career of Hans Christian Andersen

During the height of his spiritedness and began compose abilities Andersen recital. In 1835 was make his first of in all deuce collections of stories, and they brought him strange fame. they take a crap been translated into numerous languages ​​. Since that eon, all over xl old age , Andersen has created a sell of stories that remove been sky-high veritable by not barely children and also adults. far-famed vote counter considered himself a prospered man. His autobiography, which he wrote a coarse time - from 1846 to 1869 - and called The level of My spiritedness begins with these actors line: My manners - beautiful, beautiful tale. Had when I entered the existence of small, poor, lone(a) boy until I got the omnipotent sorceress and said, disrupt a refinement and focus , and I volition blame you and present ! - My quite a little could not be happier, smarter and best(p) . scarce popularity , integrality compliments to the writer , overweening feast in his comply , worldly security system , some(prenominal) friends , travel, and nigh importantly - an probability to do what , literary act as - all this gave Andersen ecstasy , though he suffered very much anterior , has eagle-eyed suffered humiliation, abuse, neglect. Since it happened the very(prenominal) as the hotshot of his tale The ill-favoured Duckling . erst persecuted and blasphemed the world, the sickening duckling , handsome up, was a wonderful order bag which affect everyone . hurtle became riant and stop slightly their worthless in the past. generator died appalling 4, 1875

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