Wednesday, February 5, 2014


EVOLTION HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1 1.A. A vestigial characteristic is a useless or rudimentary structure with a position in a closely related species. It depose as well as occur at a molecular level. B. An example of a vestigial trait would be the tiny stubby move on the North Island brownish Kiwi bird (showing it evolved from a species with wings) or the coccyx in the human tail bone, suggesting we derived from species with a tail. C. The similarities between the species with certain traits versus the said(prenominal) species lacking traits are exceedingly similar. This interpretation has been tested with the Threespine Stickleback. Scientists pair fish with a brightness armor and no hip bone. They were able to mate, be fertile, and healthy. undeveloped traits are homologous traits altogether have been lost in one particular species collect to things such as environmental factors. Because this is interpreted well, one bath assume it provides evidence for evolution. 2.A. Cuvier believed that fossils resembled nonexistent life forms and that large geological affects such as floods, glaciers, etc. altered the fossil records. He also didnt approve evolution. Lyell on the other relegate was a sluggishist. He believed that the humankind was old and that everything, such as mountains, took while to grow and that it did non all happen overnight at once but it was rather a long time scale. B. The two ideas that Lyell gave Darwin was that the dry land was old enough for microevolutionary qualify to lead to macroevolutionary patterns and that sharp geological changes are analogous to small inherited changes. For example, gradual change in the mountains is similar to gradual change in a species. Species tend to change and correct according to their surroundings.If you want to corroborate a full essay, tack together it on our website:

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