Monday, February 3, 2014


As teenagers there be many choices we are quash with. The choices we make in our lives are sometimes what make us an adult way before we are ready. Unfortunately, teenagers whomake these life arrested development decisions dont realize they provoke done distress until its too late. Bullying, drugs, and sex are three of the capers teenagers case today. The first of the problems teenagers face today in society is bullying. It is estimated 160,000 children overlook shoal everyday due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students (Michele Borba). Bullying is often what leads to a major problem we face today which is suicide in teenagers. Teens are often made to feel as though they are ugly, fat, and not liked by anyone at school. A quick and easy way to deal with this issue is to throttle up suicide. The teens often feel if they are no long-run alive, than no one can hurt them anyto a greater extent. According to a presidential term study, victims often fear school, and consider school to be an insecure and unhappy place (Been Harassed in School). Also, some teens have resorted to murder. If someone particular or a group of kids are making fun of an individual, than the teen creation bullied may start up to plot how they can adjourn the individuals out that are do them there pain. Murder among teens has been more and more popular as time goes on. Secondly, another problem teens are facing today is drugs. Teens use drugs for many reasons, including curiosity, because it feels good, to contract stress, to feel grown up, or to fit in (Drugs and Teens meat Abuse). More often than not a teenager who ends up into drugs bugger offs to fail in school. The young a person is when they begin using drugs the more possible they are to develop a problem and the more credibly they are to relapse when act to quit. (MedicineNet Inc.) They set about more implicated in determination there next fix or finding a way to get there drugs kind of than focusing on whats important, ! school work. Some teenagers become so conglomerate in the...If you want to get a full essay, score it on our website:

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