Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Almond- search for an opportunity Calif Almonds Incs foodstuff placeing director wants its society to enter in the Indian market. He further understands that Indian market is culturally, socially and economically is different from the American or European markets. He managed to familiarize himself with the realities associated with the almond products and their applications in Indian context. He although has all the modern capabilities and systems to produce all gracious of product that uses almond as the base ingredients. stock-still without some(prenominal) efforts he can enter in the Indian market with oil and almonds. But he not sure what just now should his approach be. The fruit of the almond is not a squ be nut, but a drupe, consisting of an outer hull and a firm shell with the seed (nut) inside. Shelling almonds refers to removing the shell to vary the seed. Almonds are commonly sold shelled, i.e. after the shells are removed, or unshelled, i.e. with the sh ells still attached. Blanched almonds are shelled almonds that have been treated with earnest water to soften the seedcoat, which is then removed to reveal the white embryo. Origin of the names The watchword almond comes from Old french almande or alemande, Late Latin amandola, derived through a year amingdola from the Hellenic ???????? (cf amygdala), an almond. The al- in English, for the a- used in other languages whitethorn be due a confusion with the Arabic clause al, the word having first dropped the a- as in the Italian counterfeit mandorla; the British pronunciation ah-mond and the modern Catalan ametlla and modern cut amande channelize a form of the word closer to the original. The adjective almond-shaped (literally like an almond) is used to describe objects which are close to almond-shaped, particularly a shape which is part carriage amongst a rectangle and an ellipse. See, for example, the brain structure amygdala, which uses a direct acceptance of the Greek term. Cultural differences Whil! e the almond is often eaten on its own, raw or toasted,...If you want to get a be intimate essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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