Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Fate of A Nation - An essay contrasting George Washington and Macbeth

The Fate of a Nation George working capital and MacBeth were deuce historic figures who were prestigious in determining the fate of their nation. both were ambitious man personnel living during perilous times, yet from each one charted a divers(prenominal) course for himself and his country when faced with the lure of reason. working capital effect his ambitions by devoting his life to creating a nation, while MacBeth was stupid his responsibilities to his country, in turn destroying it and himself. Throughout his whole life, majuscule yearned for power. As a unsalted man, he requireed this power as a British officer. Later, as a Virginia gentleman, he sought power in the forms of honor and wealth. His ultimate rise to power in the end came when he was pronounced general of the colonial militia in the warfare against Britain. It was on a lower floor his command that the colonial militia emerged exultant against the British. However, in defeating the British a non her curse to American majority rule had been released. This threat was Washington himself. Washington had the colonial militia under his control. He could have easily performed a coup détat and seized control of the new freed nation. However, Washingtons ambitions were non to become a dictator, or king. He believed that power did non come from controlling others, but from the honor and respect that was apt(p) to him. Washington knew that this power would only come from subordination to civilian authority. He would be a precedent by organism the first of all general to turn down his immense powers. With these actions, Washington insure the success of a new democratic nation. MacBeth, same Washington, was power hungry and very successful in war. However, he matte up that power came from wealth and control over his subordinates. As a king, MacBeth abused his power. His first priority was to secure his own... If you want to brin g down a full essay, order it on our website! :

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