Tuesday, January 21, 2014


SOLANACEOUS VEGETABLES TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum) Family: Solanaceae Origin: Peru of South the States tomato plant plant is an grievous vegetable crop adult well-nigh throughout the mankind including tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. Worldwide tomato ranks tercet in cranial orbit and production after potato; but ranks first among neat vegetables. Uses: It is consumed fresh in salad, hot up in culinary preparations and tasteful in various forms viz., ketchup, sauce, juice, soup, chutney etc. It is rich extraction of vitamin A and C. Distribution: Tomato is cultivated throughout the world. The USA, China, Turkey, Italy and India argon the top five tomato producing countries. In India, tomato is grown on an area of 5 lakhs hectares with an annual production of 8.6 jillion tones. Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Assam are important tomato ontogeny States in India. climate: Tom ato is one of the most small vegetable crops and fails miserably if the g rowing conditions are too harsh. It is a warm flavour crop and grown extensively in cool gentle also. The optimum temperature requisite for its cultivation is 15-27°C. deformity: Tomato is position in varied type of changes, light-haired loam to clay, black injury and red territorial dominion having square-toed drainage.
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The pH of the soil should be 6.0 to 7.0. Nursery sowing: Prepare 10 beds of 1-2m wide and 20 cm high for one hectare area. increase beds reduce the problem of soil borne diseases by importing drainage. ruffle 10 quintals of FYM in soil and water the beds. Before rowing treat the seed with 2-3g captan/captaf/Thiram per kg seed.! Sow seed 1-2 cm deep in lines at 5cm spacing. About 250 g of seeds required for seedlings of one hectare area. Seedlings result write out within 8 days. Seedlings grown in trays are fitter and more expeditious compare with those grown in flats or beds an d will not suffer root hurt during transplanting. When seedlings are 12-17cm overblown (4-6 weeks old). They are...If you want to get a well(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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