Thursday, January 23, 2014

Describing People – Guide

Describing people guide A comment of a person should constitute of: ·an introduction where you give some brief teaching near the person (his/ her name, time or place you met/ see him/her, how you perceive about him/her); ·a main body where you scraping sensible appearance, personality characteristics and hobbies, interests, all(prenominal)day activities in separate paragraphs; and ·a conclusion which includes your comments and/or feelings about the person. Such descriptions rouse be blend aground in articles, letters, witness statements, novels, etc. Points to consider apiece paragraph starts with a case sentence which introduces the subject of the paragraph. A variety of linking words should be apply to connect ideas. To draw and quarter physical appearance, details should be given as follows: top or build, age, facial features, hair, clothes, miserable from the most general aspects to the more(prenominal) specific details, e.g. John is a tall, slim man in his mid forties. He has a thin face, blue eye and a large nose. His pithy hair is greying at the temples. He is usually casually dressed. To describe character and behaviour you can support your description with examples, e.g. wisecrack is very sociable. She loves going to parties and dances. If you exigency to mention any blackball qualities, use mild speech (tends to, seems to, is rather, can occasionally be, etc.). e.g. kinda of saying Sally is arrogant, it is part to say Sally tends to be rather arrogant. Variety in the use of adjectives will put one across your description more interesting, e.g. good-natured, well-behaved, gorgeous, etc. Present tenses can be employ to describe psyche connected to the present, e.g. somebody you see every day. Past tenses can be used to describe someone related to the past, e.g. someone who is no longer alive, someone whom you wont become wind again... etc. Narrative techniques Narrative tech niques (use of direct speech, brave descrip! tion, use of spectacular language to create mystery,...If you want to repel a total essay, order it on our website:

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