Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Care Of a Child With Diabetes In Partnership With

Care of a sister with diabetes in partnership with family In this essay we will discuss diabetes mellitus, the fonts of diabetes that potbelly affect tikeren and the physical changes in the dead proboscis that slide by collectible to diabetes. We will then(prenominal) state the signs and symptoms of diabetes slip 1 and diabetes type 2. The manipulation for diabetes type 1 and type 2 will be turn to and the daily nutrition and meal planning for a child with diabetes mellitus. Finally we will discuss the role of the family in condole with for a child with diabetes mellitus. Physiological changes in the luggage compartment: there are two forms of diabetes mellitus that affects children. Both are collectable to the need of insulin in the body. They are; insulin dependent diabetes (type 1) and non-insulin dependent diabetes (type 2). Insulin is the hormone that regulates the transfiguration of glucose in the body. Glucose is taken in by our body chiefly from carbo hydrates. (Stoppard, 2001) Normally the hormone insulin which is produced by the pancreas, breaks down glucose in the beginning and converts it into energy. However a child with diabetes produces little or no insulin and the blood glucose level rises. The kidneys are unable to head with the high-pitched level of glucose so it passes into the urine producing large bills of urine, similarly the body has no energy due to the lack of glucose therefore the child becomes dehydrated, disorientated and loses weight. (Dare & O Donovan, 2002) When the body then looses a certain amount of energy and if the insulin deficiency is severe it produces poisonous excess substances called acetones and ketones that can lead to diabetic diabetic acidosis (DKA). Diabetic ketoacidosis normally occurs in people with type 1 diabetes mellitus and since type 1 diabetes typically starts before the age of 25, this is extremely universal to occur in childhood diabetes if the diabetic child is not m onitored. (E care for health, 2011) In chil! dhood diabetes, DKA complications represent the leading reasonableness of death. (Net...If you want to get a full essay, rewrite it on our website:

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