Friday, December 27, 2013

Readership Of Christian Newspapers

READERSHIP OF CHRISTIAN NEWSPAPERS AMONG COMMUNICATION STUDIES STUDENTS. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE fill; converse studies students argon perceived to be appreciative of antithetical kinds of intelligence activitypapers. stock-still it can be observed that talk studies students do non particularly show interest in this musical style of newspapers, although they may offer some distinct perspectives that could differ from the conventionality policy-making ideas that other main stream newspapers offer. The history of Christian newspapers in Ghana cannot be particularly traced but at that place prevail been some which have been outstanding and prominent among the number. The Catholic bar published by the Catholic Church and the Christian courier published by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana are the nimble examples. The Catholic model was founded in 1938 in p eachium Coast. The ghostly weekly was formerly called the Dux. It was started by Rev. Father P. Derickx and subsequently followed by Rev. Father Ramakers and John Van Heeswijk. The paper was lot up to promote religious breeding especially information closely the church and Christian doctrine and other affectionate information. It had its motto as For God and Ghana.
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The Catholic Standard desire to be the voice of the voiceless, the voice of the conscience of union and excessively had the responsibility of seeing to the common good of all masses (Cobbah, 1981). The Catholic Standard is noted to comment on economic, social, or political situations and injustice. During the union government campaign, it was noted that political news reporting stepped up than usu al (ibid). According to hood (1991) the Ch! ristian messenger belongs much to the history of modern African journalism as it does to missionary contributions to Africa. The use of the vernacular by the Christian messenger to report and reflect on orbit events was a remarkable example of the range missionaries afforded to the indigenous heritage in the emerging world. The Christian...If you want to get a abundant essay, exhibition it on our website:

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