Thursday, December 26, 2013


Mexican-American War Alejandro Ruiz P. 11/12 The Mexican-American war was the low gear study impinge caused by the Manifest Destiny Idea. The desire of The peg in States to rarify across North America Caused the U.S to call for conflicts with most of their neighbors. The incident that there were already great smokestack living there did non matter. provided Manifest Destiny did not call for violence. In both 1835 and 1845 the U.S respectably offered to buy California. exactly the Mexican political science Refused. But at first the immigration west wasnt unwelcome, Mexico which was newly independent from Spain, require settlers in their northern separate of the country. So the Mexican politics sent out an invitation for people who would take an o ath of committedness to Mexico and convert to Catholics. Thousands of Americans with their slaves took the offer and moved, after(prenominal) a while Texans where unhappy of how the capitol was track things. In 1835 Texans Rebelled, And after a few Battles Mexican hot seat Santa Anna was forced to planetary house the treaty of Velasco in 1836.
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But the Mexicans still refused to accept this. So Texas decided to join the united States, and in 1845 they were approved by congress. Mexico did not like the creative thinker of Texas joining the U.S. And both Texas and the United States claimed the b shape at the Rio Grande River, where they had a battle over the competing claims. This Begun the war. In 1846 the U.S ! navy had taken Los Angeles, In September 1846 The U.S embarked in a bloody three mean solar day battle for the Mexican metropolis of Monterrey. After the U.S took over Monterrey, the deuce countries held a temporary armistice to recover from the bloody battle. In that time the Mexican president, Santa Anna skilled a new military of 20,000 men. Despite the loss of extensive pieces of land, and losses of Major Battles, the Mexican president refused to make...If you want to loll a full essay, order it on our website:

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