Sunday, December 29, 2013

Interview of a Campaign Worker Prepared by: Puppetmaster For: American Government

Interview of a Campaign Worker Throughout history, citizens fork over proved that through bet groups, particularly political parties, they outhouse collectively influence the government activity, whereas individu whollyy, they argon practically powerless. earliest in life, most citizens are influenced (either by parents, teachers, mentors, etc.) to attach themselves to sensation of dickens main political parties, representative or republican. For many another(prenominal) people who suffrage, this is the deciding factor as to which they will vote for, having short or no knowledge of the candidate. People who promote an expanded role in the government dealing with economic issues and womens office to abortion, are more promising to vote democratic, dapple republicans want government to have little to do with economic issues and prefer having laws against the right to an abortion. For the some others who participate in their right to vote, they follow the campai gn of the candidates running for the election of a unique(predicate) governmental position, where they decide whom will best chink the job. In order to get a better view on what is involved in the campaign of a candidate, I interviewed a campaign worker for Jim McGreevey, who is currently running in the gubernatorial race for New Jersey. I acquired a lot of schooling that I didnt really know existed in the process of campaigning. The ply includes two broad categories of workers. One is the paid staff instalment and the other is the volunteer. A campaign director heads the organization and coordinates all of the activities. pay staff members are the officials that include a general manager, a research director, a finance director, and media director, who supervise advertising and publicity. some candidates who are running for political offices visit a progeny of different communities to market themselves to potential voters. This is where the staff members fig up and plan... !
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