Monday, December 30, 2013


Hippocrates Hippocrates, the central historical figure in Greek medicine, was innate(p) in kos between 470-460 B.C. He was born of an solution of Aselepios, the password of Apollo, named Heraklides. He greatened his education by traveling. He travelled practically and widely before he settled in Kos to practice and teach medicine. Hippocrates taught in Athens and liveed on squaring the order and also worked on duplicating the cube. He grew far in these areas and although his work is non lost, it must have contained much of what Euclid later on included in Books One and Two of the Elements.
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He believed that experience and mind with speech are the cri teria of the knowledge. And according to Hippocrates, the diseases are not due to the wrath of deity, but to natural causes which fuck off disturbances in the function of the organism. He was set against any caprice of sacerdotalism, the belief that priests can act as mediators between god and human beings, and also opposed the spirit of trade-union...If you want to flock a full essay, order it on our website:

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