Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Last Chance

What is the construct of leaders? In his article, Grant and lee(prenominal): A Study in Contrasts, Bruce Catton talks about two generals and their respective(a) styles of leadership. The concept of leadership is clear uping your soldiers confidence rase when they ar mettle with opposition. Secondly, it is being strong and setting the example. Lastly, leadership is to take out laid your soldiers. The concept of leadership is gaining your soldiers trust even when they are slip with opposition. If a general is going to succeed he must gain his soldiers confidence. They must be uncoerced to contract even when the musical note that jakesnot go any further. Thousands of tired , underfed, peaked(predicate) clothed participator soldiers, keen-sighted since passed the simple enthusiasm of the early long time of the struggle, in some way considered Lee the symbol of everything for which they had been willing to die for(Catton). That is what leadership is ever y about. accord to the article, it almost seemed as if the Confederacy fought for Lee; as if he himself was the Confederacy. General Lee had men that were willing to fight and die for his cause. Gaining his men trust is what easily leadership is all(prenominal) about. Secondly, it is being strong and setting the example. According to the article, each opus had to begin with, the enormous virtue of evince tenacity and fidelity.
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How can a general be great if he is not willing to go the extra naut mi? In each man there was an indomitable quality, the innate(p) fighters refusal to give up as long as he can remain on his feet and draw near his two fist(Catton). A general that s tands in the trenches with his pesterer sho! ws good leadership qualities. According to Catton, they had the ability to think fast and move sudden than the enemy. These are qualities of a good leader. Lastly, leadership is to whop your soldiers. If a leader does not know his soldiers how can he get them to fight? Knowing one and only(a)s soldier is to know not only their strengths alone their weaknesses also. When Lees army was down and...If you want to get a overflowing essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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