Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Has Colombia Solved Its Narco-Terrorism Problem?

HAS COLOMBIA SOLVED ITS NARCO-TERRORISM PROBLEM? Colombia has remained one of the largest outlaw(a) narcotics economies for the past primordial years, producing approximately 80% of the worlds cocaine allow and 90% of that sold within the U.S. (U.S. Department of State, 2000 cited in Felbab-Brown, 2010:69). The render to the streets of the U.S. and Reagans 1986 securitisation of drugs, coupled with the increasing threat from leftist insurgents on Americas doorstep and the increase of U.S. military resources spot Cold War, have resulted in one of the largest military supporter efforts ever seen by the U.S. (Morris, 2003:209) and the appropriation of $2.44 billion, between 2000 and 2004 alone (Isacson, 2004:246). This composition begins by defining the term narco-terrorism, before introducing and focusing on the Medellin pact and Pablo Escobar, the left-wing FARC insurgents and finally the right-wing paramilitaries (AUC), that not wholly embraced and gave rise to th e narcotics trade within Colombia, but also confine up its existence today. Moreover, this report seeks to highlight the ineffectiveness of Colombian and U.S. decision makers in developing successful counter-narcotic initiatives, before finally, analysing the keep pessimistic nature of Colombia today and suggesting future policy recommendations.
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Colombia and the wider foreign biotic community consider the organisations involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics to be narco-terrorists. This paper in accordance with the Department of jurist (2002) recognises narco-terrorist organisations as organised chemical groups that are complicit in the activities of drug trafficking in society to further, or fund, premeditated, ! politically motivated violence perpetrated against civilian targets with the intention to model a government or group of people (cited in Mathis, 2003:6). As will become unambiguous throughout this paper, the activities of the Medellin cartel and likewise, the FARC and AUC all demonstrate...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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