Friday, November 1, 2013

French Revolution

French Revolution The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. Although there were several(prenominal) factors that do the French Revolution possible, such as universe of confabulation growth, the expansion of the middle classes, and the rise of an informed public, there were trio immediate causes of the Revolution. One was the diminished authority of the royal government. other was the revolt by the nobility, who sensed a weakening monarchy. The tercet cause was the crop failure. The government of France was in a monetary crisis. The country was deeply in debt from the financing of the wars of Louis XIV.
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T o deal with the specks economic problems, Louis XVI called for a meeting of the commonwealths unglamourous in 1789. The acress General was made up of representatives from each of the triad social classes, or Estates. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, the Second Estate consisted of the nobility, and the Third Estate consisted of the com...If you want to get a run out essay, order it on our website:

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