Saturday, November 30, 2013

CARICOM(Caribbean Community and Common Market)

History: - CARICOM was preceded by an other(a) organization, the British tungsten Indies Federation, which was first ordinate in 1958.This organization failed to address trade issues, however, preferring to concentrate primarily on the politics of the region. This predecessor of CARICOM dissolved in 1962. composite movements toward unifying the Caribbean nations began to occur, however. The University of the West Indies, founded in 1948, was envisioned as go bad the entire Caribbean and the regional Shipping Services, the Caribbean Meteorological Service, and other movements began to track down the various countries and islands of the Caribbean into one unified region. The independence of Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago in August 1962 started the wheels turning for yet another effort at regional unity. This would be the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA). CARIFTA was founded in 1965 and was concerned with the establishment of a free trade champaign in the re gion and with the development of a Caribbean common market. The Caribbean regional Secretariat was set up in 1968. Its fixture, Georgetown Guyana, would eventually scram the location of the CARICOM secretariat. One other organization would be set up which would be particularly important as well, the Caribbean Development border established in Bridgetown, Barbados. The idea of CARICOM first started to be tossed or so in the early 1970s.
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It was founded in 1973 with the July 4 signing of the agreement of Chaguaramas. This accord was initially signed by Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago. eight other territories would soon follow and finally, on July 4, 1983, the Bahamas would become the 13th member. The! radical focus of CARICOM, as opposed to the British West Indies Federation, is to uphold trade in the region. Goals & Objectives: - The focus of CARICOM has belatedly expand to include not only trade setting nevertheless also regional association... If you want to get a generous essay, order it on our website:

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