Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Should Ebonics be recognized as a new language

I feel that Ebonics should not be recognized as a new language, because it derives mostly from side, and has features that resemble the cadence English. ahead I discuss why Ebonics simply is a expression, I would give care to reassure what the definitions of language and dialect are. Language is a communion of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals used by a nation, people, or some other distinct community, while dialect means, A regional or social figure of a language several(prenominal)ise by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especi every last(predicate)y a variety of linguistic process differing from the standard literary language or speech anatomy of the culture in which it exists. These definitions tell us that Ebonics has more chamfer elements than linguistic. Ebonics derives from many different cultures, such as African, English, and American; simply most of it is composed of streamer English and followed by Standard English rules. That is why even about people who do not grow much knowledge about Ebonics lock in can transform sooner well when they hear it. vertical because Ebonics is very hard to understand by many non-African Americans and it has some different Ph unmatchedmes, does not mean it can become a language. In other countries, in Korea for instance, also have several different kinds of dialects.
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alone of the dialects in Korea have different tones, pronunciations, and accents. They do not have a unified grammar, and are often abbreviated from the Standard Korean; therefore, many people who enunciate Standard Korean have hard times consciousness dialects. However, they are neer considered as languages , because only part of the replete Korean ! race uses it. Thus, the Standard Korean is taught in all of the schools in Korea. The incident with Ebonics is the same. It is used by a one of the major tribe of the United... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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