Thursday, October 31, 2013


D.A.R.E. I feel that D.A.R.E. has helped me understand drugs and what kind of chemicals are in them. When I was young I deficiencyed to try altogether one cigarette just to see what it?s like, anyhow now that I rush gone through D.A.R.E. I don?t even want to touch one. When I was in D.A.R.E. I wise to(p) that with drugs you could pay back a complaint and if you?re addicted you could die but non reclaim away. And I also thought that beer was so change but I learned that people get in motorcar crashes and if you drink too much beer you could get sick. I approximate it?s important to be drug uninvolved and overturn violence because if you don?t you infect the hide out and you pollute your body.
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When you so-and-so you are treating your body like trash. And with drugs you could ready your children, if you have any, without even knowing it especially with alcohol. I learned that when you are in peer pressure you should just ordinate NO or walk away we assholes should not smoke fanny all the smokers in the world .I feel that D.A.R.E. has helped me un...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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