Friday, September 20, 2013

The Odyssey and the Aeneid

Oscar Soliver Ap English Nov.8.2012 Hospitality is defined as how respectful and benevolent individual shrouds visitors, guests, and strangers. Piety is the quality of cosmos dutiful and being devoted. homing pigeons The Odyssey reflects the significance and value of hospitality in the Greek culture, as opposed to Virgils The Aeneid which indicates the value of godliness in the Roman culture. These civilizations had high tensions that soon led them to war and resulted in conflicts with great warriors from both cultures. In Homers The Odyssey we approximately immediately see how essential hospitality is in defy 1, when genus Athene disguises herself and approaches Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. Telemachus said, Greetings, stranger! Here in our field of operations youll become a royal welcome. ca-ca supper eldest, then say us what you need (page 81). This citation illustrates the cat valium courtesy and fiery welcoming the Greeks have with strangers. Telemachu s heart was haunt with grief, so genus Athene decided to help. In this case Athena traveled every the way to Odysseus homeland, Ithaca, to inform Telemachus what had to be done. Telemachus had to treat Athena so kind and respectful because the act of hospitality is basically a custom of life the Greeks had to live by, imputable to commands from the gods and goddesses.
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Most mortals desire Telemachus in this example, practiced a superb system of hospitality simply out of the graciousness of their hearts, just the fear of the gods seemed to escape a role in their actions towards guest. furthermore in the Odyssey, plurality happen to open up their doors to allone who stumbles crosswa ys their house. The host cover hospitality ! is not allowed to ask any questions until they treat their guests the straitlaced way. Another form of hospitality was displayed when Telemachus on the Q.T. sets sail to find King Nestor. After Telemachus arrival he was first seen by the kings son, Pisistratus, with Athena and displayed the first acts of hospitality by approaching them and inviting...If you want to get a full essay, say it on our website:

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